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RGD ID: 621325
Species: Rattus norvegicus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: As3mt
Name: arsenite methyltransferase
Acc ID: CHEBI:47217
Term: arsane
Definition: An arsine that has formula 77.94542.
Chemical ID: MESH:D001151
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
As3mtaffects methylationEXP 6480464CTDAS3MT protein affects the methylation of ArsenicPMID:20949432
As3mtincreases methylationEXP 6480464CTDAS3MT protein results in increased methylation of ArsenicPMID:15025511 PMID:15808521 PMID:16102566
As3mtmultiple interactionsEXP 6480464CTDAurothioglucose inhibits the reaction [AS3MT protein results in increased methylation of Arsenic]; Dithiothreitol promotes the reaction [AS3MT protein results in increased methylation of Arsenic]; tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine promotes the reaction [AS3MT protein results in increased methylation of Arsenic]PMID:15025511
As3mtaffects abundanceISOAS3MT (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDAS3MT gene polymorphism affects the abundance of Arsenic metabolitePMID:24239724
As3mtaffects metabolic processingISOAS3MT (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDAS3MT gene polymorphism affects the metabolism of Arsenic; AS3MT gene SNP affects the metabolism of Arsenic; AS3MT intron polymorphism affects the metabolism of Arsenic; AS3MT polymorphism affects the metabolism of Arsenic; AS3MT protein affects the metabolism of Arsenic; AS3MT protein polymorphism affects the metabolism of Arsenic; AS3MT SNP affects the metabolism of ArsenicPMID:15929903 PMID:16407288 PMID:17450230 PMID:17637926 PMID:18682255 PMID:18976679 PMID:20532380 PMID:21247820 PMID:23341986 PMID:23665909 PMID:25156000 PMID:27327299 PMID:27352405 PMID:27637898
As3mtaffects methylationISOAS3MT (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDAS3MT gene polymorphism affects the methylation of Arsenic; AS3MT gene SNP affects the methylation of ArsenicPMID:19371612 PMID:29859237 PMID:30153448
As3mtaffects response to substanceISOAS3MT (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDAS3MT gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Arsenic; AS3MT gene SNP affects the susceptibility to Arsenic; AS3MT protein polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Arsenic; AS3MT SNP affects the susceptibility to ArsenicPMID:19538983 PMID:20547570 PMID:24845704 PMID:25156000 PMID:26366667 PMID:28537708 PMID:31864032
As3mtaffects response to substanceISOAs3mt (Mus musculus)6480464CTDAS3MT protein affects the susceptibility to ArsenicPMID:21385732
As3mtdecreases expressionISOAS3MT (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDArsenic results in decreased expression of AS3MT mRNAPMID:32539644
As3mtdecreases response to substanceISOAS3MT (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDAS3MT gene SNP results in decreased susceptibility to ArsenicPMID:23070617
As3mtincreases abundanceISOAS3MT (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDAS3MT protein results in increased abundance of Arsenic metabolitePMID:21537954
As3mtincreases exportISOAs3mt (Mus musculus)6480464CTDAS3MT protein results in increased export of ArsenicPMID:20887743
As3mtincreases metabolic processingISOAS3MT (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDAS3MT protein results in increased metabolism of ArsenicPMID:18414634
As3mtincreases methylationISOAS3MT (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDAS3MT gene polymorphism results in increased methylation of Arsenic; AS3MT protein results in increased methylation of ArsenicPMID:15808521 PMID:16841956 PMID:18334919 PMID:19167370 PMID:20049124 PMID:22005461 PMID:33156617
As3mtincreases methylationISOAs3mt (Mus musculus)6480464CTDAS3MT protein results in increased methylation of ArsenicPMID:15808521
As3mtincreases response to substanceISOAS3MT (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDAS3MT gene SNP results in increased susceptibility to ArsenicPMID:22747749
As3mtmultiple interactionsISOAS3MT (Homo sapiens)6480464CTD[AS3MT gene polymorphism affects the metabolism of Arsenic] which affects the abundance of Arsenic; [AS3MT gene polymorphism affects the metabolism of Arsenic] which affects the abundance of Cacodylic Acid; [AS3MT gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Arsenic] which results in increased abundance of Cacodylic Acid; [AS3MT gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Arsenic] which results in increased abundance of monomethylarsonic acid; [AS3MT gene SNP affects the susceptibility to Arsenic] which affects the abundance of dimethylarsinous acid; [AS3MT gene SNP affects the susceptibility to Arsenic] which affects the abundance of monomethylarsonous acid; [sodium arsenite results in increased abundance of Arsenic] which results in increased expression of AS3MT mRNA; AS3MT gene polymorphism affects the reaction [PNP gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Arsenic]; AS3MT gene SNP affects the methylation of and affects the susceptibility to Arsenic; Folic Acid promotes the reaction [Vitamin B 12 promotes the reaction [AS3MT protein results in increased methylation of Arsenic]]; Selenium inhibits the reaction [AS3MT protein results in increased methylation of Arsenic]; Vitamin B 12 promotes the reaction [AS3MT protein results in increased methylation of Arsenic]PMID:19167370 PMID:20049124 PMID:21605854 PMID:24845704 PMID:28235556 PMID:29859237 PMID:32650499 PMID:32930475
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