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RGD ID: 1349525
Species: Homo sapiens
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: MT1X
Name: metallothionein 1X
Acc ID: CHEBI:37187
Term: lead nitrate
Definition: A lead coordination entity that has formula N2O6Pb.
Chemical ID: MESH:C017461
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
MT1Xaffects localizationISOMt1 (Mus musculus)6480464CTDlead nitrate affects the localization of MT1 proteinPMID:19542206
MT1Xdecreases response to substanceISOMt1 (Mus musculus)6480464CTDMT1 results in decreased susceptibility to lead nitratePMID:11891201
MT1Xincreases expressionISOMt1 (Mus musculus)6480464CTDlead nitrate results in increased expression of MT1 mRNAPMID:19542206
MT1Xmultiple interactionsISOMt1 (Mus musculus)6480464CTDlead nitrate affects the reaction [CASP7 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [CCNG1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [CTNNA1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [CUX2 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [DNASE1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [ERCC1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [ERCC3 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [EZR affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [FOXA2 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [GJA5 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [GJB2 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [GRIN2A affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [GSTT1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [HSP90AB1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [IGF2 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [IGFBP6 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [IL6RA affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [ITGA6 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [ITGAM affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [LTA affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [MCL1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [MET affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [MGST1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [MYC affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [NFKBIB affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [NUMB affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [PIAS2 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [POLD1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [POU3F3 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [RAD23 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [RBL2 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [RUNX1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [SERPINA1B affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [SOCS1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [SP3 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [SQSTM1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [SUMO1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [TBX2 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [TNFRSF1A affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [TNFRSF1B affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [TRIM27 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [TSG101 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [TTF1 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [WNT4 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; lead nitrate affects the reaction [ZFHX3 affects the expression of MT1 mRNA]; MT1 protein promotes the reaction [lead nitrate results in increased expression of SNCA mRNA]PMID:11891201 PMID:19542206
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