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RGD ID: 2192
Species: Rattus norvegicus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Bax
Name: BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator
Acc ID: GO:0009651
Term: response to salt stress
Definition: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a stimulus indicating an increase or decrease in the concentration of salt (particularly but not exclusively sodium and chloride ions) in the environment.
Definition Source(s): GOC:jl
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Baxacts_upstream_of_or_withinISOBax (Mus musculus)1624291RGDMGI:102845 MGI:98834 PMID:16571598

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