Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction
is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving
additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object Symbol | Qualifier | Evidence | With | Reference | Source | Notes | Original Reference(s) | Hnrnpul1 | enables | ISO | UniProtKB:P19712-PRO_0000038050 | 9068941 | AgBase | PMID:24965446 | PMID:24965446 | Hnrnpul1 | enables | ISO | UniProtKB:A5D8V6 or UniProtKB:O00308 or UniProtKB:O60504 or UniProtKB:P52597 or UniProtKB:Q13625-3 or UniProtKB:Q15427 or UniProtKB:Q16637 or UniProtKB:Q86Y13 or UniProtKB:Q8NDC0 or UniProtKB:Q9BQ04 | 9068941 | IntAct | PMID:25416956 | PMID:25416956 | Hnrnpul1 | enables | ISO | UniProtKB:O00308 | 9068941 | IntAct | PMID:21516116 PMID:31515488 | PMID:21516116 PMID:31515488 | Hnrnpul1 | enables | ISO | UniProtKB:O00308 or UniProtKB:O75928-2 or UniProtKB:Q86Y13 or UniProtKB:Q96G42 or UniProtKB:Q96KQ4 | 9068941 | IntAct | PMID:32296183 | PMID:32296183 | Hnrnpul1 | enables | ISO | UniProtKB:O00308 or UniProtKB:P52597 or UniProtKB:Q86Y13 | 9068941 | IntAct | PMID:29892012 | PMID:29892012 | Hnrnpul1 | enables | ISO | UniProtKB:P52597 or UniProtKB:Q15427 or UniProtKB:Q16637 | 9068941 | IntAct | PMID:22365833 | PMID:22365833 | Hnrnpul1 | enables | ISO | UniProtKB:Q13148 | 9068941 | IntAct | PMID:32814053 | PMID:32814053 | Hnrnpul1 | enables | ISO | UniProtKB:Q15427 | 9068941 | IntAct | PMID:39251607 | PMID:39251607 | Hnrnpul1 | enables | ISO | UniProtKB:Q82506 | 9068941 | IntAct | PMID:17267598 | PMID:17267598 | Hnrnpul1 | enables | ISO | UniProtKB:Q9NPI1 | 9068941 | IntAct | PMID:12489984 | PMID:12489984 | |
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