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RGD ID: 10133
Species: Mus musculus
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: Alad
Name: aminolevulinate, delta-, dehydratase
Acc ID: CHEBI:27889
Term: lead(0)
Definition: An elemental lead that has formula Pb.
Chemical ID: MESH:D007854
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
Aladaffects abundanceISOALAD (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDALAD gene SNP affects the abundance of LeadPMID:16341691 PMID:30025905
Aladaffects response to substanceISOALAD (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDALAD gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Lead; ALAD gene SNP affects the susceptibility to Lead; ALAD polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Lead; ALAD protein affects the susceptibility to LeadPMID:11049814 PMID:16487505 PMID:17823382 PMID:20123609 PMID:21439310 PMID:21799727 PMID:22101007 PMID:23792432 PMID:24500903 PMID:25963508 PMID:30025905
Aladdecreases activityISOAlad (Rattus norvegicus)6480464CTDLead results in decreased activity of ALAD proteinPMID:21034764 PMID:21402136 PMID:2748540
Aladdecreases activityISOALAD (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDLead results in decreased activity of ALAD proteinPMID:16140629 PMID:17366816 PMID:21241821 PMID:21910133 PMID:30025905
Aladdecreases expressionISOAlad (Rattus norvegicus)6480464CTDLead results in decreased expression of ALAD proteinPMID:15452883
Aladdecreases expressionISOALAD (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDLead results in decreased expression of ALAD mRNA; Lead results in decreased expression of ALAD proteinPMID:19921347 PMID:19938001 PMID:21396434
Aladincreases methylationISOALAD (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDLead results in increased methylation of ALAD promoterPMID:21396434
Aladincreases response to substanceISOALAD (Homo sapiens)6480464CTDALAD gene polymorphism results in increased susceptibility to Lead; ALAD gene SNP results in increased susceptibility to Lead; ALAD protein results in increased susceptibility to LeadPMID:16341691 PMID:21439310 PMID:22101007
Aladmultiple interactionsISOAlad (Rattus norvegicus)6480464CTD[Arsenic co-treated with Lead co-treated with Cadmium] results in decreased activity of ALAD protein; [Arsenic co-treated with Lead] results in decreased activity of ALAD protein; [Disulfiram co-treated with Lead] results in decreased activity of ALAD protein; [Lead co-treated with Cadmium] results in decreased activity of ALAD protein; Gallic Acid inhibits the reaction [Lead results in decreased activity of ALAD protein]PMID:21034764 PMID:21402136 PMID:22354675 PMID:2748540
Aladmultiple interactionsISOALAD (Homo sapiens)6480464CTD[ALAD gene SNP affects the susceptibility to [Opium co-treated with Lead]] which affects the abundance of Lead; [VDR gene polymorphism co-treated with ALAD gene polymorphism] affects the abundance of Lead; [Zinc co-treated with Dithiothreitol] inhibits the reaction [Lead results in decreased activity of ALAD protein]; ALAD gene polymorphism affects the abundance of and affects the susceptibility to Lead; ALAD gene polymorphism affects the susceptibility to and affects the abundance of Lead; ALAD gene SNP affects the susceptibility to [Opium co-treated with Lead]; Cadmium affects the reaction [[Zinc co-treated with Dithiothreitol] inhibits the reaction [Lead results in decreased activity of ALAD protein]]; Uric Acid affects the reaction [ALAD polymorphism affects the susceptibility to Lead]PMID:16263504 PMID:17366816 PMID:19515364 PMID:20510440 PMID:21910133 PMID:30081045
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