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2 Annotations Found.

An association has been curated linking Sgf29 and SAGA complex in Mus musculus.        

  • The association was non-traceable author statement (NAS)
  • The annotation was made from RGD pipelines: MGI data from the GO Consortium
  • 23 RGD objects have been annotated to SAGA complex  (GO:0000124)
  • 11 papers in RGD have been used to annotate Sgf29
  • Qualifier: part_of
  • Curation Notes: (MGI:6867269|PMID:19114550)
  • Original References(s): MGI:6867269 PMID:19114550

  • An association has been curated linking Sgf29 and SAGA complex in Mus musculus.        

  • The association was inferred from biological aspect of ancestor (IBA)
  • The annotation was made from RGD pipelines: MGI data from the GO Consortium
  • The annotation has been inferred from biological aspect of ancestor with PANTHER:PTN000488952 & FB:FBgn0050390 & PomBase:SPBC1921.07c & SGD:S000000516
  • 23 RGD objects have been annotated to SAGA complex  (GO:0000124)
  • 11 papers in RGD have been used to annotate Sgf29
  • Qualifier: part_of
  • Original References(s): GO_REF:0000033

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