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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal autonomic nervous system morphology +   
abnormal brain morphology +   
abnormal ependyma morphology +   
abnormal glial cell morphology +   
abnormal glymphatic system morphology 
abnormal innervation +   
abnormal meninges morphology +   
abnormal nervous system development +   
abnormal nervous system tract morphology +   
abnormal neuron morphology +   
abnormal Reissner's fiber morphology  
abnormal somatic nervous system morphology +   
abnormal spinal cord morphology +   
decreased alimentary system tumor incidence +   
decreased cardiovascular system tumor incidence  
decreased eye tumor incidence 
decreased gland tumor incidence +   
decreased hemolymphoid system tumor incidence +  
decreased hepatobiliary system tumor incidence +   
decreased integument system tumor incidence +   
decreased lung tumor incidence  
decreased muscle tumor incidence +  
decreased nervous system tumor incidence 
less than the expected number of tumors originating in the nervous system in a given population in a given time period
decreased reproductive system tumor incidence +   
decreased respiratory system tumor incidence 
decreased reticular tumor incidence +  
decreased skeletal tumor incidence +   
decreased urinary system tumor incidence 
increased nervous system tumor incidence +   
nervous system inclusion bodies +   
neurodegeneration +   

Exact Synonyms: decreased nervous system tumour incidence
Definition Sources:

paths to the root