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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
increased adenoma incidence +   
increased fibroadenoma incidence  
increased fibroma incidence +   
greater than the expected number of a benign tumor of fibrous or fully developed connective tissue, in a specific population in a given time period
increased hamartoma incidence +   
increased hemangioma incidence +   
increased leiomyoma incidence +   
increased leukemia incidence +   
increased lipoma incidence +   
increased lymphoma incidence +   
increased malignant tumor incidence +   
increased mesothelioma incidence  
increased myeloma incidence 
increased myoepithelioma incidence  
increased myxoma incidence +  
increased odontoma incidence +   
increased papilloma incidence +   
increased plasmacytoma incidence  
increased rhabdomyoma incidence +   
increased teratoma incidence +   

Related Synonyms: fibromatosis
Alternate IDs: MP:0003297
Definition Sources: MESH:C04.557.450.565.590.340

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