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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal autonomic nervous system morphology +   
abnormal brain morphology +   
abnormal ependyma morphology +   
abnormal glial cell morphology +   
abnormal glymphatic system morphology 
abnormal innervation +   
abnormal meninges morphology +   
abnormal nervous system development +   
abnormal nervous system tract morphology +   
abnormal neuron morphology +   
abnormal Reissner's fiber morphology  
abnormal somatic nervous system morphology +   
abnormal spinal cord morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the cylindrical tissue of the vertebral canal that extends from the medulla oblongata to the conus medullaris
decreased nervous system tumor incidence 
increased nervous system tumor incidence +   
nervous system inclusion bodies +   
neurodegeneration +   

Exact Synonyms: spinal cord abnormalities ;   spinal cord dysplasia
Definition Sources:

paths to the root