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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal dental pulp cavity morphology +   
abnormal frontonasal prominence morphology +   
abnormal incisor morphology +   
abnormal lateral nasal prominence morphology  
abnormal mandibular prominence morphology +   
abnormal maxillary prominence morphology +   
abnormal Meckel's cartilage morphology +   
abnormal medial nasal prominence morphology  
abnormal molar morphology +   
abnormal nasal capsule morphology +   
abnormal nasal pit morphology +   
abnormal nasal placode morphology +   
abnormal optic pit morphology +   
abnormal otic pit morphology +   
abnormal otic placode morphology  
abnormal palate development +   
abnormal periodontal ligament morphology +   
abnormal pharyngeal arch morphology +   
abnormal Reichert's cartilage morphology +   
abnormal tooth color +   
abnormal tooth development +   
any anomaly in the formation of the teeth
abnormal tooth hard tissue morphology +   
abnormal tooth neck morphology +  
abnormal tooth number +   
abnormal tooth root morphology +   
brittle teeth  
carious teeth  
conical tooth +   
craniofacial asymmetry +   
fused teeth +   
macrodontia +   
microdontia +   
misaligned teeth +   
tooth abscess +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal odontogenesis ;   abnormal odontogeny ;   abnormal odontosis ;   abnormal tooth morphogenesis ;   tooth development abnormalities
Definition Sources: MGI:cwg

paths to the root