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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal femur compact bone thickness +   
abnormal femur head morphology +   
abnormal femur neck morphology +   
abnormal trochanter morphology  
absent femur  
bowed femur  
club-shaped femur  
decreased diameter of femur  
decreased femor compact bone volume 
less than normal amount of space occupied by compact bone tissue in the femor
decreased femoral compact bone area  
decreased femur size +   
decreased internal diameter of femur  
decreased tibia compact bone volume 
femur fracture  
increased diameter of femur  
increased femor compact bone volume 
increased femoral compact bone area  
increased femur size +   
increased internal diameter of femur  

Exact Synonyms: reduced femor compact bone volume
Definition Sources:, PMID:35239186

paths to the root