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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
ex vivo method +     
in vivo method +     
audiometry +  
bioassay +   
bioimpedance method +  
body fluid collection method +  
body measuring method +   
body movement/behavior method +   
calorimetry +  
consumption measuring method +  
dynamometry +  
electrical potential recording method +   
electroanalytical method +  
electroconvulsive threshold test 
electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy +  
enzymatic method +   
enzyme or transport activity assay +   
ex vivo analysis of atomic composition +  
ex vivo biological fluid analysis +   
ex vivo linear measurement method +   
ex vivo manometry 
ex vivo microbiological method +  
ex vivo microscopy +   
ex vivo photography +  
ex vivo radiography +   
ex vivo solid waste analysis +  
ex vivo visual assessment  
ex vivo volume measurement method +   
flowmetry +   
immunoassay +   
in vivo linear measurement method +   
in vivo microscopy +  
in vivo photography +   
in vivo radiography +   
in vivo thermometry +   
in vivo visual assessment +   
isolated body part method +   
isolated cell method +   
laser interference biometry 
manual palpation method  
molecular separation method +   
nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy +  
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a technique to observe local magnetic fields around atomic nuclei. The sample is placed in a magnetic field and the NMR signal is produced by excitation of the nuclei sample with radio waves into nuclear magnetic resonance, which is detected with sensitive radio receivers.
ophthalmoscopy +   
optical coherence tomography 
optokinetic reflex test method 
osmometry +  
plethysmography +   
radioactivity measurement method +   
radiotelemetry +   
respiratory mechanics assessment method 
sensation test +  
servo-null micropipette transducer method 
spectrometry +   
sphygmomanometry +   
taste threshold test 
tonometry +  
transepidermal water loss test 
ultrasound method +   
vascular indwelling catheter method +   
volume pressure recording +  

Exact Synonyms: MRS ;   NMR spectroscopy ;   magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Definition Sources: "Wikipedia" "Wikipedia"

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