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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal fetal long-bone echogenicity +  
Abnormal fetal nasal bone visualization +   
Absence of stomach bubble on fetal sonography  
Champagne cork sign  
Echogenic fetal bowel  
Echogenic intracardiac focus  
Enlarged fetal cisterna magna 
Fetal choroid plexus cysts 
Fetal fifth finger clinodactyly 
Fetal pyelectasis +   
Fetal trigonocephaly 
Hypoplasia of fetal nasal bone 
On prenatal ultrasound, the nasal bone is a thin echogenic line within the bridge of the fetal nose. The fetus is imaged facing the transducer with the fetal face strictly in the midline. The angle of insonation is 90 degrees, with the longitudinal axis of the nasal bone as the reference line. Calibres are placed at each end of the nasal bone. Absence of the nasal bone or measurements below 2.5th percentile are considered significant (PMID:16100637).
Lemon sign 
Mild fetal ventriculomegaly  
Reduced fetal femur/foot length ratio 
Short fetal femur length  
Short fetal humerus length 
Single umbilical artery  
Thickened nuchal skin fold  

Exact Synonyms: Hypoplasia of foetal nasal bone ;   Underdeveloped fetal nose bone ;   Underdeveloped foetal nose bone
Xrefs: UMLS:C4023363
Definition Sources:, PMID:16100637

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