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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Aplasia of the 5th finger +   
Partial-complete absence of 5th phalanges 
Short 2nd finger +   
Short 3rd finger +   
Short 4th finger +   
Short 5th finger +   
Hypoplasia (congenital reduction in size) of the fifth finger, also known as the little finger.
Short distal phalanx of finger +   
Short middle phalanx of finger +   
Short proximal phalanx of finger +   
Short thumb +   

Exact Synonyms: Fifth finger brachydactyly ;   Hypoplastic phalanges of the little finger ;   Hypoplastic/small 5th finger ;   Hypoplastic/small little finger ;   Short fifth finger ;   Short fifth fingers ;   Short little finger ;   Short phalanges of the little finger ;   Short pinkie finger ;   Short pinky finger
Alternate IDs: HP:0001205 ;   HP:0004208 ;   HP:0004210 ;   HP:0004211 ;   HP:0004215 ;   HP:0004217 ;   HP:0005804 ;   HP:0005888
Xrefs: UMLS:C1842878
Definition Sources:

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