Hypoplastic/small middle phalanx of the fifth finger.
Brachymesophalangia-V, a short and broad middle phalanx of the fifth digit, is the most common of all skeletal anomalies of the hand. When this feature appears alone, it is clinically known as brachydactyly type A3 (BDA3).
5th finger middle phalangeal hypoplasia; Brachymesophalangism V; Brachymesophalangy V (finger); Fifth finger mid-phalanx hypoplasia; Hypoplastic fifth finger middle phalanx; Hypoplastic middle phalanx of the 5th finger; Hypoplastic/small middle phalanx of the 5th finger; Hypoplastic/small middle phalanx of the little finger; Short middle bone of the little finger; Short middle bone of the pinkie finger; Short middle bone of the pinky finger; Short middle phalanx of the little finger; Type A3 brachydactyly