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Ontology Browser

Irregular ossification of the humeral epiphyses (HP:0003897)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormality of the distal humeral epiphysis 
Abnormality of the humeral epiphyseal plate +  
Abnormality of the proximal humeral epiphysis 
Absent humeral epiphyseal ossification 
Absent ossification of capital femoral epiphysis 
Advanced ossification of the humeral epiphysis 
Broad humeral epiphyses 
Delayed epiphyseal ossification +   
Delayed humeral epiphyseal ossification 
Early ossification of capital femoral epiphyses  
Epiphyseal stippling +   
Flattened humeral epiphyses  
Irregular humeral epiphyses 
Irregular ossification of humeral metaphyses 
Irregular ossification of the humeral epiphyses +   
Large humeral epiphyses 
Premature fusion of phalangeal epiphyses  
Round humeral epiphyses 
Small humeral epiphyses 
Stippled calcification of the humeral epiphyses +   

Related Synonyms: Irregular maturation of the end part of the long bone in upper arm
Xrefs: UMLS:C4025523 ;   UMLS:C4280542

paths to the root