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Ontology Browser

negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide catabolic process (GO:2000296)
Annotations: Rat: (2) Mouse: (2) Human: (2) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (4) Dog: (1) Squirrel: (2) Pig: (2) Naked Mole-rat: (0) Green Monkey: (1)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
ascorbate glutathione cycle 
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negative regulation of amine catabolic process +   
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negative regulation of cell wall polysaccharide catabolic process +  
negative regulation of cellobiose catabolic process 
negative regulation of cellodextrin catabolic process 
negative regulation of cellooligosaccharide catabolic process 
negative regulation of cellotriose catabolic process 
negative regulation of cellulose catabolic process 
negative regulation of coenzyme F420-dependent bicyclic nitroimidazole catabolic process 
negative regulation of collagen catabolic process  
negative regulation of cyclodextrin catabolic process 
negative regulation of DNA catabolic process +   
negative regulation of ferulate catabolic process 
negative regulation of galactoglucomannan catabolic process 
negative regulation of galactomannan catabolic process 
negative regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid catabolic process 
negative regulation of glucomannan catabolic process 
negative regulation of glucose catabolic process to lactate via pyruvate  
negative regulation of glycogen catabolic process  
negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process  
negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide catabolic process  
Any process that stops, prevents or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of hydrogen peroxide catabolic process.
negative regulation of lipid catabolic process +   
negative regulation of nucleotide catabolic process +   
negative regulation of ornithine catabolic process  
negative regulation of pectin catabolic process 
negative regulation of penicillin catabolic process 
negative regulation of protein catabolic process +   
negative regulation of receptor catabolic process +   
negative regulation of RNA catabolic process +   
negative regulation of starch catabolic process +  
negative regulation of syringal lignin catabolic process 
negative regulation of tetrapyrrole catabolic process +  
negative regulation of toluene catabolic process 
negative regulation of ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process +   
negative regulation of UDP-glucose catabolic process  
negative regulation of xylose catabolic process to ethanol 
positive regulation of hydrogen peroxide catabolic process  
regulation of hydrogen peroxide catabolic process +   

Exact Synonyms: negative regulation of H2O2 catabolic process ;   negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide breakdown ;   negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide catabolism ;   negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide degradation
Related Synonyms: negative regulation of H2O2 scavenging ;   negative regulation of detoxification of H2O2 ;   negative regulation of detoxification of hydrogen peroxide ;   negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide removal ;   negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide scavenging
Definition Sources: GOC:BHF

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