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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adaptive immune effector response +  
adaptive immune memory response +   
adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains +   
adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from leucine-rich repeat domains 
negative regulation of adaptive immune response +   
Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate, or extent of an adaptive immune response.
negative regulation of basophil degranulation 
negative regulation of CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell differentiation involved in immune response 
negative regulation of eosinophil degranulation  
negative regulation of gamma-delta T cell activation involved in immune response 
negative regulation of humoral immune response +   
negative regulation of immune response to tumor cell +   
negative regulation of inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus +   
negative regulation of innate immune response +   
negative regulation of mast cell activation involved in immune response  
negative regulation of memory T cell differentiation  
negative regulation of natural killer cell differentiation involved in immune response  
negative regulation of natural killer cell proliferation involved in immune response 
negative regulation of neutrophil degranulation  
negative regulation of plasma cell differentiation  
negative regulation of T cell activation via T cell receptor contact with antigen bound to MHC molecule on antigen presenting cell  
negative regulation of T-helper cell differentiation +   
negative regulation of type 2 immune response +   
positive regulation of adaptive immune response +   
primary adaptive immune response +   
regulation of adaptive immune effector response +  
regulation of adaptive immune memory response +   
regulation of adaptive immune response +   
regulation of adaptive immune response based on somatic recombination of immune receptors built from immunoglobulin superfamily domains +   

Exact Synonyms: down regulation of adaptive immune response ;   downregulation of adaptive immune response
Narrow Synonyms: inhibition of adaptive immune response
Definition Sources: GOC:add

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