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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
synaptic vesicle +     
terminal bouton +     
C bouton 
F bouton 
hippocampal mossy fiber expansion  
multiple synapse bouton +  
photoreceptor cell terminal bouton  
rod bipolar cell terminal bouton  
S bouton 
synaptic vesicle lumen  
synaptic vesicle membrane +   
synaptic vesicle, readily releasable pool 
A synaptic vesicle belonging to the pool of vesicles that are the first to be released as a result of chemical or electrical stimulation e.g. by an action potential, have the highest presynaptic membrane fusion probability and correspond to about 1% of the total number of synaptic vesicles at a resting terminal bouton.
synaptic vesicle, recycling pool 
synaptic vesicle, resting pool 
type I terminal bouton +  
type II terminal bouton 
type III terminal bouton 

Exact Synonyms: readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles
Related Synonyms: RRP
Definition Sources: GOC:pad, PMID:22745285

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