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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cAMP response element binding  
carbohydrate response element binding  
E-box binding  
estrogen response element binding  
GC-box binding 
Binding to a GC-box, a DNA motif with the consensus sequence GGGCGG that is located upstream of the start point of eukaryotic transcription units. The GC-box may occur in multiple copies or in either orientation relative to the transcription start site.
juvenile hormone response element binding 
N-box binding  
retinoic acid-responsive element binding  
RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding, bending  
serum response element binding  
sterol response element binding  
vitamin D response element binding  

Broad Synonyms: GC rich promoter region binding ;   GC-rich region binding ;   GC_rich_promoter_region binding
Definition Sources: PMID:14701757

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