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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
endocytosed protein transport to vacuole 
endosome to plasma membrane protein transport +   
establishment of protein localization to mast cell secretory granule +  
establishment of protein localization to T cell secretory granule +  
intracellular protein transmembrane transport +   
microtubule polymerization based protein transport +  
misfolded protein transport +   
negative regulation of intracellular protein transport +   
neurotransmitter receptor transport, postsynaptic endosome to lysosome  
nuclear envelope budding  
polyubiquitinated protein transport +   
positive regulation of intracellular protein transport +   
protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum +   
protein export from nucleus +   
The directed movement of a protein from the nucleus into the cytoplasm.
protein import into nucleus +   
protein import into peroxisome membrane  
protein insertion into mitochondrial inner membrane  
protein insertion into mitochondrial outer membrane +   
protein targeting to vacuole +   
protein transport along microtubule +   
protein transport to vacuole involved in ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process via the multivesicular body sorting pathway  
protein transport within lipid bilayer +   
protein-DNA complex transport 
regulation of intracellular protein transport +   
ribosomal subunit export from nucleus +   
RNA export from nucleus +   

Exact Synonyms: protein export from cell nucleus ;   protein export out of nucleus ;   protein transport from nucleus to cytoplasm ;   protein-nucleus export
Related Synonyms: copper-induced protein export from nucleus
Alternate IDs: GO:0097349
Definition Sources: GOC:jl

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