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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
sex chromosome +     
active sex chromosome 
dosage compensation complex +   
inactive sex chromosome +   
sex chromatin +   
W chromosome 
X chromosome +   
XY body  
Y chromosome  
The sex chromosome present in males of species in which the male is the heterogametic sex; generally, the sex chromosome that pairs with the X chromosome in the heterogametic sex. The Y chromosome is absent from the cells of females and present in one copy in the somatic cells of males.
Z chromosome 

Xrefs: Wikipedia:Y_chromosome
Never In Taxon: NCBITaxon:8782 ! Aves
Definition Sources: GOC:mah, GOC:mr, ISBN:0582227089, PMID:20622855, Wikipedia:XY_sex-determination_system

paths to the root