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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
acquired tear duct stenosis 
acute canaliculitis 
acute inflammation of lacrimal passage +   
Alacrima +   
aplasia of lacrimal and salivary glands  
chronic inflammation of lacrimal passage +  
Congenital Alacrima +   
dacryoadenitis +  
dacryocystitis +   
An acute inflammation of lacrimal passage that is characterized by inflammation of the lacrimal sac, has_symptom conjunctivitis and has_symptom purulent discharge. (DO)
dry eye syndrome +   
eversion of lacrimal punctum 
excessive tearing +  
lacrimal duct obstruction +   
lacrimal passage granuloma 
lacrimal system cancer +   
LADD syndrome +   
Mikulicz disease 
primary lacrimal atrophy 
prolapse of lacrimal gland 
secondary lacrimal atrophy 
stenosis of lacrimal passage 
stenosis of lacrimal punctum 
stenosis of lacrimal sac 

Exact Synonyms: dacryocystitides
Primary IDs: MESH:D003607
Xrefs: ICD10CM:H04.30 ;   ICD9CM:375.30 ;   NCI:C34521
Definition Sources: "DO" "DO"

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