G |
Aamp |
angio-associated, migratory cell protein |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:75,863,382...75,869,188
G |
Abcb6 |
ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 6 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:84,117,222...84,125,939
G |
Ankzf1 |
ankyrin repeat and zinc finger peptidyl tRNA hydrolase 1 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,688,194...76,695,162
G |
Arpc2 |
actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 2 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:83,269,884...83,300,610
G |
Asic4 |
acid sensing ion channel subunit family member 4 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:84,389,610...84,411,545
G |
Atg9a |
autophagy related 9A |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,677,403...76,688,050
G |
Bcs1l |
BCS1 homolog, ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase complex chaperone |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:83,614,045...83,618,052
G |
Catip |
ciliogenesis associated TTC17 interacting protein |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:75,945,960...75,953,618
G |
Cdk5r2 |
cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulatory subunit 2 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,416,251...76,417,719
G |
Cfap65 |
cilia and flagella associated protein 65 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,459,211...76,494,199
G |
Chpf |
chondroitin polymerizing factor |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,963,178...76,967,878
G |
Cnot9 |
CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 9 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,084,269...76,109,111
G |
Cnppd1 |
cyclin Pas1/PHO80 domain containing 1 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,633,475...76,640,164
G |
Cryba2 |
crystallin, beta A2 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,447,250...76,457,968
G |
Ctdsp1 |
CTD small phosphatase 1 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:75,973,694...75,979,298
G |
Cxcr1 |
C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 1 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:83,216,040...83,220,225
G |
Cxcr2 |
C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 2 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:75,729,493...75,735,868
G |
Cyp27a1 |
cytochrome P450, family 27, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:83,712,402...83,743,222
G |
Des |
desmin |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:84,299,626...84,307,344
G |
Dnajb2 |
DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B2 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,731,060...76,739,278
G |
Dnpep |
aspartyl aminopeptidase |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,799,931...76,808,841
G |
Fev |
FEV transcription factor, ETS family member |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,439,164...76,443,603
G |
Glb1l |
galactosidase, beta 1-like |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,693,325...76,705,548
G |
Gmppa |
GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase A |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: ALACRIMA, ACHALASIA, AND IMPAIRED INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT SYNDROME | ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome OMIM:615510 |
OMIM ClinVar MouseDO |
PMID:24035193 PMID:25741868 PMID:28492532 PMID:28574218 PMID:29593478 |
NCBI chr 9:76,926,724...76,934,274
G |
Gpbar1 |
G protein-coupled bile acid receptor 1 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:75,860,758...75,863,260
G |
Ihh |
Indian hedgehog signaling molecule |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,504,315...76,510,532
G |
Mir26b |
microRNA 26b |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:75,976,596...75,976,680
G |
Mir375 |
microRNA 375 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,457,911...76,457,985
G |
Nhej1 |
nonhomologous end-joining factor 1 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,526,322...76,622,488
G |
Obsl1 |
obscurin like cytoskeletal adaptor 1 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,967,802...76,993,771
G |
Plcd4 |
phospholipase C, delta 4 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,115,523...76,158,602
G |
Pnkd |
PNKD metallo-beta-lactamase domain containing |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:75,868,620...75,937,126
G |
Prkag3 |
protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 3 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:83,744,385...83,753,629
G |
Ptprn |
protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, N |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,741,010...76,756,704
G |
Resp18 |
regulated endocrine-specific protein 18 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,765,179...76,771,824
G |
Retreg2 |
reticulophagy regulator family member 2 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,640,282...76,646,400
G |
Rnf25 |
ring finger protein 25 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,170,037...76,176,924
G |
Slc11a1 |
solute carrier family 11 member 1 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:75,957,193...75,968,115
G |
Slc23a3 |
solute carrier family 23, member 3 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:84,071,286...84,081,951
G |
Speg |
striated muscle enriched protein kinase |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:84,314,387...84,371,816
G |
Stk16 |
serine/threonine kinase 16 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:84,154,285...84,157,521
G |
Stk36 |
serine/threonine kinase 36 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:83,625,905...83,652,785
G |
Tmbim1 |
transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 1 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:75,871,835...75,889,366
G |
Tmem198 |
transmembrane protein 198 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,968,079...76,974,131
G |
Ttll4 |
tubulin tyrosine ligase like 4 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,221,659...76,258,219
G |
Tuba4a |
tubulin, alpha 4A |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:84,158,871...84,174,041
G |
Usp37 |
ubiquitin specific peptidase 37 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:83,467,966...83,567,848
G |
Vil1 |
villin 1 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:75,991,141...76,018,860
G |
Wnt10a |
Wnt family member 10A |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,349,931...76,362,400
G |
Wnt6 |
Wnt family member 6 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,329,882...76,343,523
G |
Zfand2b |
zinc finger AN1-type containing 2B |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:84,114,170...84,117,115
G |
Zfp142 |
zinc finger protein 142 |
ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Alacrima, achalasia, and mental retardation syndrome |
ClinVar |
PMID:28492532 |
NCBI chr 9:76,141,053...76,164,784