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The Rat Strain Ontology (RS) is currently being developed at the Rat Genome Database. For more information about this vocabulary or to request additions or changes, please contact us (

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Accession:RS:0000610 term browser browse the term
Synonyms:related_synonym: RGD ID: 634381;   inbred alcohol-nonpreferring

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iNP/Iusm term browser
Symbol Object Name Evidence Notes Source PubMed Reference(s) RGD Reference(s) Position
Q Alc18 Alcohol consumption QTL 18 IEA RGD PMID:9880658 RGD:69704 NCBI chr 4:56,647,873...149,491,524 JBrowse link
Q Alc19 Alcohol consumption QTL 19 IEA RGD PMID:9880658 RGD:69704 NCBI chr 3:1...27,494,778 JBrowse link
Q Alc20 Alcohol consumption QTL 20 IEA RGD PMID:9880658 RGD:69704 NCBI chr 8:30,848,154...40,713,225 JBrowse link
Q Alc21 Alcohol consumption QTL 21 IEA RGD PMID:9660316 RGD:61483 NCBI chr 4:56,698,790...126,192,555 JBrowse link
Q Alc8 Alcohol consumption QTL 8 IEA RGD PMID:11958543 RGD:631229 NCBI chr 3:1...33,230,976 JBrowse link
Q Sach1 Saccharin preference QTL 1 IEA RGD PMID:11958543 RGD:631229 NCBI chr 3:27,494,621...44,188,411 JBrowse link
Q Sach2 Saccharin preference QTL 2 IEA RGD PMID:11958543 RGD:631229 NCBI chr16:43,024,842...50,166,018 JBrowse link
Q Sach3 Saccharin preference QTL 3 IEA RGD PMID:11958543 RGD:631229 NCBI chr18:58,805,687...63,636,873 JBrowse link

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  rat strain 6734
    inbred strain 2738
      iNP/Iusm 9
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