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The Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) is downloaded weekly from The file downloaded is considered the "last stable build" available for the ontology. For more about the HPO, view their website at

Term:Abnormal skeletal muscle morphology
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Accession:HP:0011805 term browser browse the term
Definition:A structural abnormality of a skeletal muscle.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: Abnormal muscle morphology;   Abnormality of muscle morphology;   Abnormally shaped muscle;   Issue with muscle structure
 alt_id: HP:0003735
 xref: UMLS:C4023181

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  Human phenotype 0
    Phenotypic abnormality 0
      Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system 0
        Abnormality of the musculature 0
          Abnormal skeletal muscle morphology 0
            Abnormal axial muscle morphology + 0
            Abnormal hyoglossus muscle morphology 0
            Abnormal lateral cricoarytenoid muscle morphology 0
            Abnormal mitochondria in muscle tissue 0
            Abnormal morphology of musculature of pharynx + 0
            Abnormal morphology of the abdominal musculature + 0
            Abnormal morphology of the chest musculature 0
            Abnormal morphology of the musculature of the neck + 0
            Abnormal morphology of the pelvis musculature + 0
            Abnormal morphology of the shoulder musculature 0
            Abnormal muscle fiber morphology + 0
            Abnormal muscle tissue enzyme activity or level + 0
            Abnormal muscle tissue metabolite concentration + 0
            Abnormality of facial musculature + 0
            Abnormality of muscle size + 0
            Abnormality of musculature of soft palate + 0
            Abnormality of the back musculature 0
            Abnormality of the diaphragm + 0
            Abnormality of the extraocular muscles + 0
            Abnormality of the musculature of the limbs + 0
            Abnormality of the musculature of the thorax + 0
            Abnormality of the tongue muscle + 0
            Calcification of muscles 0
            Calcinosis 0
            Decreased muscle mass 0
            Fatty replacement of skeletal muscle 0
            Firm muscles 0
            Generalized muscular appearance from birth 0
            Increased intramuscular fat 0
            Intramuscular hematoma 0
            Joint contracture + 0
            Levator palpebrae superioris atrophy 0
            Muscle eosinophilia 0
            Muscle hemorrhage 0
            Muscular dystrophy + 0
            Muscular edema 0
            Myopathy + 0
            Myositis 0
            Rhabdomyolysis + 0
            Skeletal muscle atrophy + 0
            Skeletal muscle fibrosis 0
            Skeletal muscle hyperechogenicity 0
            Skeletal muscle hypertrophy + 0
            Skeletal muscle steatosis 0
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