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Term:positive regulation of cellular metabolic process
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Accession:GO:0031325 term browser browse the term
Definition:Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of the chemical reactions and pathways by which individual cells transform chemical substances.
Comment:Note that this term is in the subset of terms that should not be used for direct gene product annotation. Instead, select a child term or, if no appropriate child term exists, please request a new term. Direct annotations to this term may be amended during annotation QC.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: positive regulation of cellular metabolism;   up regulation of cellular metabolic process;   upregulation of cellular metabolic process
 narrow_synonym: activation of cellular metabolic process;   stimulation of cellular metabolic process

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    Path 1
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 19870
        metabolic process 11602
          positive regulation of metabolic process 3757
            positive regulation of cellular metabolic process 3229
              positive regulation of 17-methylnonadec-1-ene metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of 18-methylnonadec-1-ene metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of aldosterone metabolic process + 3
              positive regulation of amylopectin metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of auxin metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of bile acid metabolic process + 3
              positive regulation of bioluminescence 0
              positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process + 2790
              positive regulation of cellular catabolic process + 237
              positive regulation of cellular glucuronidation 1
              positive regulation of cellular respiration + 22
              positive regulation of cellular senescence 22
              positive regulation of ecdysteroid metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of ergosterol biosynthetic process 0
              positive regulation of fatty acid metabolic process + 51
              positive regulation of glucocorticoid metabolic process + 1
              positive regulation of glucose catabolic process to lactate via pyruvate 2
              positive regulation of glutamate metabolic process + 1
              positive regulation of glycogen metabolic process + 24
              positive regulation of glycolytic fermentation to ethanol 0
              positive regulation of glyoxylate cycle 0
              positive regulation of heptadecane metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of hexadecanal metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of isoprenoid metabolic process + 2
              positive regulation of mitochondrial ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 3
              positive regulation of nonadec-1-ene metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of octadecene metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of oxygen metabolic process 3
              positive regulation of pentadecane metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of phosphorus metabolic process + 603
              positive regulation of photosynthesis 0
              positive regulation of phytoalexin metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of proline metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of protein geranylgeranylation 2
              positive regulation of pyrimidine-containing compound salvage 0
              positive regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process + 86
              positive regulation of replicative senescence 1
              positive regulation of selenocysteine metabolic process 0
              positive regulation of sulfur metabolic process + 7
              positive regulation of thyroid hormone generation 5
              positive regulation of tridecane metabolic process + 0
              positive regulation of triglyceride metabolic process + 30
              positive regulation of tryptophan metabolic process + 0
    Path 2
    Term Annotations click to browse term
      biological_process 19870
        biological regulation 13395
          regulation of biological process 12997
            positive regulation of biological process 6679
              positive regulation of cellular process 6109
                positive regulation of cellular metabolic process 3229
                  positive regulation of 17-methylnonadec-1-ene metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of 18-methylnonadec-1-ene metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of aldosterone metabolic process + 3
                  positive regulation of amylopectin metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of auxin metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of bile acid metabolic process + 3
                  positive regulation of bioluminescence 0
                  positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process + 2790
                  positive regulation of cellular catabolic process + 237
                  positive regulation of cellular glucuronidation 1
                  positive regulation of cellular respiration + 22
                  positive regulation of cellular senescence 22
                  positive regulation of ecdysteroid metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of ergosterol biosynthetic process 0
                  positive regulation of fatty acid metabolic process + 51
                  positive regulation of glucocorticoid metabolic process + 1
                  positive regulation of glucose catabolic process to lactate via pyruvate 2
                  positive regulation of glutamate metabolic process + 1
                  positive regulation of glycogen metabolic process + 24
                  positive regulation of glycolytic fermentation to ethanol 0
                  positive regulation of glyoxylate cycle 0
                  positive regulation of heptadecane metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of hexadecanal metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of isoprenoid metabolic process + 2
                  positive regulation of mitochondrial ATP synthesis coupled electron transport 3
                  positive regulation of nonadec-1-ene metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of octadecene metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of oxygen metabolic process 3
                  positive regulation of pentadecane metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of phosphorus metabolic process + 603
                  positive regulation of photosynthesis 0
                  positive regulation of phytoalexin metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of proline metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of protein geranylgeranylation 2
                  positive regulation of pyrimidine-containing compound salvage 0
                  positive regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process + 86
                  positive regulation of replicative senescence 1
                  positive regulation of selenocysteine metabolic process 0
                  positive regulation of sulfur metabolic process + 7
                  positive regulation of thyroid hormone generation 5
                  positive regulation of tridecane metabolic process + 0
                  positive regulation of triglyceride metabolic process + 30
                  positive regulation of tryptophan metabolic process + 0
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