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Term:mitotic cohesin ssDNA (lagging strand) loading
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Accession:GO:0062022 term browser browse the term
Definition:The ATP-dependent protein localization to chromatin by which a cohesin ring complex is topologically linked to ssDNA (lagging strand) which is already linked to a dsDNA (leading strand) molecule as part of the mitotic cell cycle.
Synonyms:exact_synonym: second-DNA capture

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Path 1
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 28702
    cellular process 17623
      cell cycle process 1358
        cohesin loading 1
          mitotic cohesin loading 1
            mitotic cohesin ssDNA (lagging strand) loading 0
              negative regulation of mitotic cohesin ssDNA (lagging strand) loading 0
              positive regulation of mitotic cohesin ssDNA (lagging strand) loading 0
              regulation of mitotic cohesin ssDNA (lagging strand) loading + 0
Path 2
Term Annotations click to browse term
  biological_process 28702
    cellular process 17623
      cellular component organization or biogenesis 6998
        cellular component organization 6786
          organelle organization 3736
            chromosome organization 596
              sister chromatid cohesion 58
                establishment of sister chromatid cohesion 4
                  cohesin loading 1
                    mitotic cohesin loading 1
                      mitotic cohesin ssDNA (lagging strand) loading 0
                        negative regulation of mitotic cohesin ssDNA (lagging strand) loading 0
                        positive regulation of mitotic cohesin ssDNA (lagging strand) loading 0
                        regulation of mitotic cohesin ssDNA (lagging strand) loading + 0
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