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Strain: BUF/Mna

Symbol: BUF/Mna
Strain: BUF
Substrain: Mna
RGD ID: 61118
Citation ID: RRID:RGD_61118
Ontology ID: RS:0000165
Alleles: Bsis
Also Known As: NBRP Rat No: 0200; MDC-02-71; Buffalo Rat
Type: inbred
Available Source: National BioResource Project for the Rat in Japan
Origination: National BioResource Project for the Rat in Japan
Description: Strain originated from Heston 1946 from Buffalo stock of H. Morris. To NIH in 1950 at F10.
Coat Color: albino
Last Known Status: Live Animals; Cryopreserved Embryo; Cryopreserved Sperm
Research Usage Cancer; Urology

Experimental Data Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Rat Strain
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
BUF/MnaRatBUF/Mna  IEA 7241799 RGD 

Vertebrate Trait
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
BUF/MnaRatthymus mass  EXP 70859 RGD 
BUF/MnaRatthymus mass  EXP 634729 RGD 
BUF/MnaRatthymus mass  EXP 634747 RGD 
BUF/MnaRaturine total protein amount  EXP 619599 RGD 
BUF/MnaRaturine total protein amount  EXP 2292230 RGD 

Phenotype Values via Phenominer Click to see Annotation Detail View

Related Phenotype Data for Term "BUF/Mna" (RS:0000165)

Rat Strains:
Clinical Measurements:
Experimental Conditions:
Measurement Methods:

Phenotype Values via PhenoMiner     Click to see Annotation Detail View
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Clinical Measurement
heart rate
systolic blood pressure
body weight
body temperature
red blood cell count
blood hemoglobin level
white blood cell count
platelet count
mean corpuscular volume
plasma glucose level
plasma aspartate aminotransferase activity level
plasma alanine aminotransferase activity level
plasma alkaline phosphatase activity level
plasma total protein level
plasma albumin level
plasma phosphate level
plasma chloride level
plasma sodium level
plasma potassium level
heart wet weight
heart weight to body weight ratio
both kidneys wet weight
lung wet weight
urine potassium level
urine sodium level
brain weight to body weight ratio
both kidneys wet weight as percentage of body weight
liver weight as percentage of body weight
spleen weight to body weight ratio
brain wet weight
lung weight to body weight ratio
liver wet weight
both adrenal glands wet weight
spleen wet weight
both testes wet weight
activated partial thromboplastin time
prothrombin time
timed urine volume
mean corpuscular hemoglobin
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
blood basophil count to total leukocyte count ratio
blood eosinophil count to total leukocyte count ratio
blood lymphocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio
blood monocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio
total plasma calcium level
urine chloride level
plasma creatinine level
plasma triglyceride level
plasma total cholesterol level
plasma urea nitrogen level
thymus weight to body weight ratio
both adrenal glands weight to body weight ratio
plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol level
plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol level
both testes wet weight to body weight ratio
urine sodium excretion rate to body weight ratio
timed urine volume to body weight ratio
urine chloride excretion rate to body weight ratio
urine potassium excretion rate to body weight ratio
plasma total bilirubin level
blood segmented neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio
blood band neutrophil count to total leukocyte count ratio
non-specified leukocyte count to total leukocyte count ratio
plasma albumin to plasma total protein ratio


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. Actin -related protein 3 (Arp3) is mutated in proteinuric BUF/Mna rats. Akiyama K, et al., Mamm Genome. 2008 Jan;19(1):41-50. Epub 2007 Dec 7.
2. Mapping of two genetic loci, Ten-1 and Ten-2, associated with thymus enlargement in BUF/Mna rats. Murakumo Y, etal., Mamm Genome 1996 Jul;7(7):505-8.
3. A genetic locus susceptible to the overt proteinuria in BUF/Mna rat. Murayama S, etal., Mamm Genome 1998 Nov;9(11):886-8.
4. Genetic mapping of the thymoma susceptible locus, Tsr1, in BUF/Mna rats. Oyabu A, etal., J Natl Cancer Inst 1999 Feb 3;91(3):279-82.
5. Strains registered by the National Bio Resource Project for the Rat in Japan Personal Communication with NBRP
6. RGD Strain RSO annotation pipeline RGD Automated Pipelines
7. SNP and haplotype mapping for genetic analysis in the rat. Saar K, etal., Nat Genet. 2008 May;40(5):560-6.
8. Mapping genetic determinants of kidney damage in rat models. Schulz A and Kreutz R, Hypertens Res. 2012 Jul;35(7):675-94. doi: 10.1038/hr.2012.77. Epub 2012 May 31.
9. Genetic mapping of genes regulating the thymus size in back-cross rats between the laboratory BUF/Mna strain and the MITE strain derived from the wild rat, Rattus norvegicus. Sharma N, etal., Pathol Int 1997 Jul;47(7):436-41.
10. Generation of polymorphic markers tightly linked to the thymus enlargement loci by phenotype-directed representational difference analysis. Toyota M, etal., Mamm Genome 1998 Sep;9(9):735-9.
11. Fine mapping of thymus enlargement gene 1 (Ten1) in BUF/Mna rats. Ye C, etal., Pathol Int 2000 Mar;50(3):185-90.


Strain QTL Data
Symbol Name Trait
Pur1 Proteinuria QTL 1 urine total protein amount   (VT:0000032)    
Pur16 Proteinuria QTL 16 urine total protein amount   (VT:0000032)    
Thym1 Thymus enlargement QTL 1 thymus mass   (VT:0004954)    
Thym2 Thymus enlargement QTL 2 thymus mass   (VT:0004954)    
Thym3 Thymus enlargement QTL 3 thymus mass   (VT:0004954)    
Thym4 Thymus enlargement QTL 4 thymus mass   (VT:0004954)    
Tsu1 Thymus enlargement suppressive QTL 1 thymus mass   (VT:0004954)    
Strain Samples in RGD with Damaging Variants (Polyphen)
Rnor_5.0 BUF/MNa (KyushuU) View Damaging Variants

Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
strain_characteristics (WKY/NCrj x BUF/Mna)F1 x BUF/Mna backcross rats were studied for thymus enlargement. 634747
strain_characteristics Actr3 is mutated in this strain causing L111F substitution 2292230
strain_life_disease These develop thymoma at the age of 9 months which reaches its maximum at 12 months. 634729
strain_life_disease They develop muscle atrophy and nephrosis. 1302468
strain_reproduction sib mating 1302468

Nomenclature History
Date Current Symbol Current Name Previous Symbol Previous Name Description Reference Status
2012-05-10 BUF/Mna    BUF/Mna    Name updated 68913 APPROVED
2012-05-10 BUF/Mna    BUF/Mna    Name updated 68913 APPROVED