RGD Reference Report - Bax kappa, a novel Bax splice variant from ischemic rat brain lacking an ART domain, promotes neuronal cell death. - Rat Genome Database

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Bax kappa, a novel Bax splice variant from ischemic rat brain lacking an ART domain, promotes neuronal cell death.

Authors: Jin, KL  Graham, SH  Mao, XO  He, X  Nagayama, T  Simon, RP  Greenberg, DA 
Citation: Jin KL, etal., J Neurochem 2001 Jun;77(6):1508-19.
RGD ID: 728202
Pubmed: PMID:11413234   (View Abstract at PubMed)

Bax is a pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family protein that regulates programmed cell death through homodimerization and through heterodimerization with Bcl-2. Bax alpha is encoded by six exons and undergoes alternative splicing. Bax kappa, a splice variant of Bax with conserved BH1, BH2 and BH3 binding domains and a C-terminal transmembrane domain (TM), but with an extra 446-bp insert between exons 1 and 2 leading to loss of an N-terminal ART domain, was identified from an ischemic rat brain cDNA library. Expression of Bax kappa mRNA and protein was up-regulated in hippocampus after cerebral ischemic injury. The increased Bax kappa mRNA was distributed mainly in selectively vulnerable hippocampal CA1 neurons that are destined to die after global ischemia. Overexpression of Bax kappa protein in HN33 mouse hippocampal neuronal cells induced cell death, which was partially abrogated by co-overexpression of Bcl-2. Moreover, co-overexpression of Bax kappa and Bax alpha increased HN33 cell death. The results suggest that the Bax kappa may have a role in ischemic neuronal death.

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Biological Process

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Bax_v1Ratpositive regulation of apoptotic process  IMP  RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Bax_v1  (BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator, variant 1)

Objects referenced in this article
Gene Bax BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator Rattus norvegicus
Gene Bax_v2 BCL2 associated X, apoptosis regulator, variant 2 Rattus norvegicus

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