RGD Reference Report - Nicotine administration decreases neuropeptide Y expression and increases leptin receptor expression in the hypothalamus of food-deprived rats. - Rat Genome Database
The effects of nicotine on the expressions of neuropeptide Y (NPY) and leptin receptor in the rat hypothalamus were investigated via immunohistochemistry. The results show that NPY expression is not affected in the arcuate nucleus (ARN) and is increased only slightly in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) by nicotine administration under normal (i.e. fed) conditions and that leptin receptor expression is decreased slightly in the ARN and not affected in the PVN following nicotine treatment under the same conditions. Food deprivation enhanced NPY and suppressed leptin receptor expression in the ARN and PVN of the hypothalamus. Nicotine administration resulted in decreased NPY and increased leptin receptor levels.