PURPOSE: To investigate the expression profile and prognostic value of RAD21 in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). METHODS: A tissue microarray (TMA) containing 60 paired NSCLC tissues and peritumor tissues was purchased and another TMA containing 140 NSCLC tissues was constructed. Then, immunohistochemical staining was performed and scored. Finally, the expression profile and prognostic value of RAD21 were evaluated. RESULTS: RAD21 was predominantly detected in the nucleus of tumor and peritumor cells. RAD21 was more highly expressed in tumor tissues compared to peritumor tissues. High RAD21 expression was correlated with more lymph node metastases and advanced pathological stage, but not with any other clinicopathological features. High RAD21 expression led to worsened overall survival (OS) and was an independent prognostic factor for worsened OS in NSCLC, especially in stage II-III. CONCLUSION: High RAD21 expression indicates poor survival in patients with NSCLC. RAD21 may become a novel prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target in patients with NSCLC.