RGD Reference Report - The paralemmin protein family: identification of paralemmin-2, an isoform differentially spliced to AKAP2/AKAP-KL, and of palmdelphin, a more distant cytosolic relative. - Rat Genome Database
The paralemmin protein family: identification of paralemmin-2, an isoform differentially spliced to AKAP2/AKAP-KL, and of palmdelphin, a more distant cytosolic relative.
Hu, B Copeland, NG Gilbert, DJ Jenkins, NA Kilimann, MW
Hu B, etal., Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2001 Aug 3;285(5):1369-76.
Paralemmin is a protein implicated in plasma membrane dynamics. Here we describe the identification of two new paralemmin-related proteins. A partial paralemmin homolog, palmdelphin, is predominantly cytosolic, unlike paralemmin which is lipid-anchored to the plasma membrane through a C-terminal CaaX motif. We have mapped the mouse palmdelphin gene to distal chromosome 3 between Amy2 and Abcd3, in a region homologous to human chromosome 1p22-p21 where the human palmdelphin gene is located. We have also identified a second paralemmin isoform, paralemmin-2. It is expressed from a gene on human chromosome 9q31-q33 which ends only 33 kb upstream of the gene encoding the protein kinase A-binding protein,AKAP2/AKAP-KL. The closely adjacent paralemmin-2 and AKAP2 genes are functionally linked in a very unusual manner. Chimeric mRNAs are expressed, apparently by RNA readthrough and differential splicing, that encode natural fusion proteins in which either the N-terminal coiled-coil region or nearly the complete sequence of paralemmin-2 except its C-terminal CaaX motif is fused to AKAP2/AKAP-KL. The N-terminal coiled-coil region is conserved in paralemmin-1, paralemmin-2/AKAP2, palmdelphin and a fourth, uncharacterized gene, suggesting that it is a modular functional domain.