RGD Reference Report - Effect of cortisone or L-triiodothyronine administration to pregnant rats on the activity of fetal intestinal disaccharidases and lysosomal acid beta-galactosidase. - Rat Genome Database

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Effect of cortisone or L-triiodothyronine administration to pregnant rats on the activity of fetal intestinal disaccharidases and lysosomal acid beta-galactosidase.

Authors: Jumawan, J  Celano, P  Horowitz, C  Lau, H  Koldovsky, O 
Citation: Jumawan J, etal., Biol Neonate. 1977;32(3-4):211-7.
RGD ID: 12910455
Pubmed: PMID:414795   (View Abstract at PubMed)

Activities of maltase, sucrase, lactase and acid-beta-galactosidase were studied in jejunum and ileum of term rat fetuses obtained by cesarian section. Female rats were either untreated or injected daily in the last (3rd) week of pregnancy with cortisone acetate (10 or 50 mg/100 g body weight) or L-triiodothyronine (20 or 50 microgram/100 g body weight). Two other control groups were injected with appropriate solvents. Cortisone or T3 treatment to mothers increased sucrase and maltase activity in jejunum and ileum of the offspring. Generally, higher doses of hormone were more effective. Lactase activity was increased by 25% in the jejunum by the higher dose of cortisone. Both doses of cortisone increased ileal lactase. Jejunal acid-beta-galactosidase activity was decreased in fetuses of T3-treated mothers.

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Biological Process

Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
Glb1Ratresponse to Thyroglobulin triiodothyronine  IEP  RGD 

Objects Annotated

Genes (Rattus norvegicus)
Glb1  (galactosidase, beta 1)

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