Anxrr50 QTL Report (Rattus norvegicus) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: Anxrr50 (Anxiety related response QTL 50) Rattus norvegicus

Symbol: Anxrr50
Name: Anxiety related response QTL 50
RGD ID: 6478775
Previously known as: Peripheral locomotion OF
Trait: locomotor behavior trait   (VT:0001392)    
Measurement Type: number of entries into a discrete space in an experimental apparatus   (CMO:0000960)    
LOD Score: LRS: 8.8
P Value: 0.66021
Variance: Not Available
Position No map positions available.
Cross Type: inducing agent: subcutaneous injection of estradiol benzoate (10ug/0.1ml) and progesterone (5mg/kg) in a injection volume of 1mg/kg
Strains Crossed: SHR/NCrlAnra LEW/HsdUnibAnra 

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Mammalian Phenotype
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Experimental Condition

Measurement Method

Vertebrate Trait

Rat Strain


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. The influence of sex and estrous cycle on QTL for emotionality and ethanol consumption. Izidio GS, etal., Mamm Genome. 2011 Jun;22(5-6):329-40. Epub 2011 Apr 24.


Markers in Region
The following Markers overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolExpected SizeChrStartStopSpeciesMatch
Position Markers

Peak: (D4Rat131)
Rat AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
SHRSP x BN Map454.33UniSTS
SHRSP x BN Map454.33RGD

Additional Information

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference
qtl_cross_type intercross 6218999
qtl_general measurement method: rat was placed in the center of the open field and movement scored for 5 min that is number of peripheral squares crossed with all 4 paws 6218999
qtl_general number of animals used: 96 female F2 rats 6218999
qtl_general software used:Genotype=QTX; behavioral variables=two-way ANOVA 6218999
qtl_general spans 64 cM 6218999
qtl_statistics LRS: 8.8 6218999