GWAS937180_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS937180_H (C9 carnitine measurement QTL GWAS937180 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS937180_H
Name: C9 carnitine measurement QTL GWAS937180 (human)
RGD ID: 407288204
Trait: C9 carnitine measurement
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 2.0E-36
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh382210,195,326 - 210,195,327RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh372211,060,050 - 211,060,051RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS937180_HHumanC9 carnitine measurement  IAGPrs2286963405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:35995766

References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Genes in Region
The following Genes overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Analysis Tools
RGD IDSymbolNameChrStartStopSpecies
733759ACADLacyl-CoA dehydrogenase long chain2210187923210225447Human

Position Markers

Peak: (rs2286963)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh382210,195,326 - 210,195,327RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
407096515GWAS745491_Hnonanoylcarnitine (C9) measurement QTL GWAS745491 (human)1e-11nonanoylcarnitine (C9) measurement2210195326210195327Human
407099393GWAS748369_HX-13431 measurement QTL GWAS748369 (human)9e-427X-13431 measurement2210195326210195327Human
407154112GWAS803088_Hurinary metabolite measurement QTL GWAS803088 (human)4e-181urinary metabolite measurement2210195326210195327Human
407002532GWAS651508_Hmetabolite measurement QTL GWAS651508 (human)3e-667metabolite measurement2210195326210195327Human
407145773GWAS794749_Hserum metabolite measurement QTL GWAS794749 (human)3e-33serum metabolite measurement2210195326210195327Human
407158638GWAS807614_Hurinary metabolite measurement QTL GWAS807614 (human)7e-132urinary metabolite measurement2210195326210195327Human
407288204GWAS937180_HC9 carnitine measurement QTL GWAS937180 (human)2e-36C9 carnitine measurement2210195326210195327Human
407269101GWAS918077_Hcarnitine measurement QTL GWAS918077 (human)5e-159blood carnitine amount (VT:0003977)2210195326210195327Human
407093903GWAS742879_HX-13431 measurement QTL GWAS742879 (human)1e-609X-13431 measurement2210195326210195327Human
407347531GWAS996507_Hnonaylcarnitine measurement QTL GWAS996507 (human)3e-118nonaylcarnitine measurement2210195326210195327Human
1643254BW125_HBody Weight QTL 125 (human)1.450.005Body weightbody mass index2200715236226715236Human
2293458PRSTS291_HProstate tumor susceptibility QTL 291 (human)0.012Prostate tumor susceptibility2200715236226715236Human
407003505GWAS652481_HX-23641 measurement QTL GWAS652481 (human)5e-32X-23641 measurement2210195326210195327Human
1643053BW117_HBody Weight QTL 117 (human)2.40.00044Body weight2200715236226715236Human
407061878GWAS710854_HX-13431 measurement QTL GWAS710854 (human)3e-168X-13431 measurement2210195326210195327Human
407129362GWAS778338_Hmetabolite measurement QTL GWAS778338 (human)3e-60metabolite measurement2210195326210195327Human
407254992GWAS903968_Hmetabolite measurement QTL GWAS903968 (human)4e-14metabolite measurement2210195326210195327Human
406929208GWAS578184_HX-13431 measurement QTL GWAS578184 (human)9e-247X-13431 measurement2210195326210195327Human
406966200GWAS615176_Hribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase measurement QTL GWAS615176 (human)1e-17ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase measurement2210195326210195327Human
407155486GWAS804462_Hurinary metabolite measurement QTL GWAS804462 (human)4e-75urinary metabolite measurement2210195326210195327Human
407061880GWAS710856_HX-13431 measurement QTL GWAS710856 (human)5e-197X-13431 measurement2210195326210195327Human
407062365GWAS711341_Hmetabolite measurement QTL GWAS711341 (human)2e-597metabolite measurement2210195326210195327Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS578184_H GCST90103265 X-13431 levels 8,809 European ancestry individuals G NR 9E-247 246.046 rs2286963 0.508 X-13431 measurement (EFO:0800735)
GWAS615176_H GCST90249366 Ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase levels 10,708 European ancestry individuals T 0.65 1E-17 17 rs2286963 0.115 ribulose-phosphate 3-epimerase measurement (EFO:0802025)
GWAS651508_H GCST90266802 Urine X-24798 levels in chronic kidney disease 4,670 European ancestry individuals G 0.36 3E-667 666.523 rs2286963 0.963 metabolite measurement (EFO:0004725)
GWAS652481_H GCST90266609 Urine X-23641 levels in chronic kidney disease 4,896 European ancestry individuals G 0.35 5E-32 31.302 rs2286963 0.221 X-23641 measurement (EFO:0800854)
GWAS710854_H GCST90266301 Plasma X-13431 levels in chronic kidney disease 4,949 European ancestry individuals G 0.35 3E-168 167.523 rs2286963 0.478 X-13431 measurement (EFO:0800735)
GWAS710856_H GCST90266302 Urine X-13431 levels in chronic kidney disease 4,796 European ancestry individuals G 0.35 5E-197 196.302 rs2286963 0.53 X-13431 measurement (EFO:0800735)
GWAS711341_H GCST90265276 Urine glycine conjugate of C9H16O2* levels in chronic kidney disease 4,679 European ancestry individuals G 0.36 2E-597 596.699 rs2286963 1.313 metabolite measurement (EFO:0004725)
GWAS742879_H GCST90245578 X-13431 levels 14,296 European ancestry individuals T 0.6469 1E-609 609 rs2286963 0.5389614 X-13431 measurement (EFO:0800735)
GWAS745491_H GCST90300709 Metabolite levels (nonanoylcarnitine (C9); C9 carnitine; C9_carnitine) 4,021 European, Hispanic or African American individuals G 0.3213 1E-11 11 rs2286963 0.167 nonanoylcarnitine (C9) measurement (EFO:0800381)
GWAS748369_H GCST90200710 X-13431 levels 8,161 European ancestry individuals G 0.347287 9E-427 426.046 rs2286963 0.635124 X-13431 measurement (EFO:0800735)
GWAS778338_H GCST000550 Metabolite levels 1,029 European ancestry individuals T NR 3E-60 59.523 rs2286963 0.219 metabolite measurement (EFO:0004725)
GWAS794749_H GCST006249 Serum metabolite levels 1,678 European ancestry individuals ? NR 3E-33 32.523 rs2286963 0.09672 serum metabolite measurement (EFO:0005653)
GWAS803088_H GCST009733 Urinary metabolite levels in chronic kidney disease 1,221 cases G 0.36 4E-181 180.398 rs2286963 1.54 urinary metabolite measurement (EFO:0005116)
GWAS804462_H GCST009733 Urinary metabolite levels in chronic kidney disease 1,221 cases G 0.36 4E-75 74.398 rs2286963 0.637 urinary metabolite measurement (EFO:0005116)
GWAS807614_H GCST009735 Urinary metabolite modules (eigenmetabolites) in chronic kidney disease 1,221 cases G 0.36 7E-132 131.155 rs2286963 0.019 urinary metabolite measurement (EFO:0005116)
GWAS903968_H GCST90178677 Metabolite peak levels (QI9912) 2,466 Black/admixed ancestry individuals G NR 4E-14 13.398 rs2286963 0.316581 metabolite measurement (EFO:0004725)
GWAS918077_H GCST90010762 Nonaylcarnitine levels 13,925 Caucasian ancestry individuals G 0.3565 5E-159 158.302 rs2286963 26.866 carnitine measurement (EFO:0010469)
GWAS937180_H GCST90176244 Carnitine C9 levels 2,466 Black/admixed ancestry individuals G NR 2E-36 35.699 rs2286963 0.529002 C9 carnitine measurement (EFO:0801155)
GWAS996507_H GCST90240008 Nonaylcarnitine levels 4,562 European ancestry individuals T 0.6338 3E-118 117.523 rs2286963 0.2057 nonaylcarnitine measurement (EFO:0801240)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST90176244 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference