GWAS887621_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS887621_H (lipid measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS887621 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS887621_H
Name: lipid measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS887621 (human)
RGD ID: 407238645
Trait: lipid measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement
Measurement Type: blood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level   (CMO:0001562)    
blood lipid measurement   (CMO:0000050)    
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 5.0E-13
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh381063,174,788 - 63,174,789RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh371064,934,548 - 64,934,549RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Data Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS887621_HHumanblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level  IAGPrs10822145405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:35213538
GWAS887621_HHumanblood lipid measurement  IAGPrs10822145405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:35213538

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS887621_HHumanintermediate density lipoprotein measurement  IAGPrs10822145405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:35213538
GWAS887621_HHumanlipid measurement  IAGPrs10822145405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:35213538
Experimental Data Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Genes in Region
The following Genes overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Analysis Tools
RGD IDSymbolNameChrStartStopSpecies
1320591JMJD1Cjumonji domain containing 1C106316722563521890Human

Position Markers

Peak: (rs10822145)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh381063,174,788 - 63,174,789RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
407078730GWAS727706_Hcholesteryl esters to total lipids in small VLDL percentage QTL GWAS727706 (human)2e-16cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small VLDL percentage 106317478863174789Human
407242959GWAS891935_Hfree cholesterol measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS891935 (human)8e-16free cholesterol measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)106317478863174789Human
407189455GWAS838431_Hfree cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS838431 (human)6e-09free cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)106317478863174789Human
407320523GWAS969499_Hvery low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipids:total lipids ratio QTL GWAS969499 (human)1e-26very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipids:total lipids ratioblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)106317478863174789Human
407025359GWAS674335_Htriglycerides to total lipids in small LDL percentage QTL GWAS674335 (human)5e-19triglycerides to total lipids in small LDL percentage 106317478863174789Human
407099406GWAS748382_Htriglycerides to total lipids in IDL percentage QTL GWAS748382 (human)6e-23triglycerides to total lipids in IDL percentage 106317478863174789Human
407115979GWAS764955_Hmean reticulocyte volume QTL GWAS764955 (human)6e-11reticulocyte morphology trait (VT:0002424)mean corpuscular volume (CMO:0000038)106317478863174789Human
407117781GWAS766757_Hfree cholesterol in IDL measurement QTL GWAS766757 (human)1e-12free cholesterol in IDL measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)106317478863174789Human
407125782GWAS774758_Hbody mass index QTL GWAS774758 (human)5e-11body mass indexbody mass index (BMI) (CMO:0000105)106317478863174789Human
407116434GWAS765410_Hmean corpuscular volume QTL GWAS765410 (human)1e-11free cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)106317478863174789Human
407119186GWAS768162_Hcholesterol in IDL measurement QTL GWAS768162 (human)3e-14cholesterol in IDL measurement 106317478863174789Human
407318865GWAS967841_Htriglycerides:total lipids ratio, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS967841 (human)4e-29triglycerides:total lipids ratio, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)106317478863174789Human
407039061GWAS688037_Hfree cholesterol in large LDL measurement QTL GWAS688037 (human)5e-10free cholesterol in large LDL measurement106317478863174789Human
407083412GWAS732388_Hcholesteryl esters to total lipids in IDL percentage QTL GWAS732388 (human)1e-25cholesteryl esters to total lipids in IDL percentage 106317478863174789Human
407237468GWAS886444_Hphospholipid measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS886444 (human)7e-10phospholipid measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)106317478863174789Human
407092569GWAS741545_Hphospholipids:total lipids ratio QTL GWAS741545 (human)9e-14phospholipids:total lipids ratio106317478863174789Human
406955802GWAS604778_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS604778 (human)7e-11triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)106317478863174789Human
407314843GWAS963819_Hvery low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, free cholesterol:total lipids ratio QTL GWAS963819 (human)8e-28very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, free cholesterol:total lipids ratioblood very low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000648)106317478863174789Human
407099174GWAS748150_Htriglycerides to total lipids in medium LDL percentage QTL GWAS748150 (human)6e-14triglycerides to total lipids in medium LDL percentage 106317478863174789Human
407320930GWAS969906_Hsphingomyelin measurement QTL GWAS969906 (human)1e-08sphingomyelin measurement106317478863174789Human
407249056GWAS898032_Hcholesteryl ester measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS898032 (human)6e-18blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)106317478863174789Human
407080932GWAS729908_Hcholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage QTL GWAS729908 (human)1e-19cholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage 106317478863174789Human
407098916GWAS747892_Htriglyceride measurement QTL GWAS747892 (human)1e-20triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)106317478863174789Human
407078317GWAS727293_Htriglycerides to total lipids in small VLDL percentage QTL GWAS727293 (human)5e-20triglycerides to total lipids in small VLDL percentage 106317478863174789Human
407090355GWAS739331_Hcholesterol to total lipids in IDL percentage QTL GWAS739331 (human)5e-27cholesterol to total lipids in IDL percentage 106317478863174789Human
407238645GWAS887621_Hlipid measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS887621 (human)5e-13lipid measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)106317478863174789Human
407265910GWAS914886_Htotal cholesterol measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS914886 (human)1e-17total cholesterol measurement, intermediate density lipoprotein measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)106317478863174789Human
407236598GWAS885574_Hintermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS885574 (human)1e-13intermediate density lipoprotein measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)106317478863174789Human
407086838GWAS735814_Htriglycerides to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage QTL GWAS735814 (human)3e-18triglycerides to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage 106317478863174789Human
407090292GWAS739268_Hcholesteryl esters to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage QTL GWAS739268 (human)4e-18cholesterol to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage 106317478863174789Human
407078580GWAS727556_Hphospholipids:total lipids ratio QTL GWAS727556 (human)1e-18triglyceride measurementblood triglyceride level (CMO:0000118)106317478863174789Human
407092922GWAS741898_Htriglycerides to total lipids in large LDL percentage QTL GWAS741898 (human)3e-13cholesterol:total lipids ratio, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)106317478863174789Human
407030713GWAS679689_Hintermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS679689 (human)1e-10total lipids in IDLblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)106317478863174789Human
407082040GWAS731016_Hfree cholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage QTL GWAS731016 (human)2e-19free cholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage 106317478863174789Human
407116472GWAS765448_Hcholesteryl ester measurement QTL GWAS765448 (human)1e-14blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)106317478863174789Human
407056254GWAS705230_Hmetabolite measurement, diet measurement QTL GWAS705230 (human)1e-16phospholipids:total lipids ratiofood intake measurement (CMO:0000772)106317478863174789Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS604778_H GCST002897 Triglycerides up to 62,166 European ancestry individuals C 0.5 7E-11 10.155 rs10822145 0.038 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
GWAS674335_H GCST90269725 Triglycerides to total lipids in small LDL percentage (UKB data field 23628) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 5E-19 18.302 rs10822145 0.0409727 triglycerides to total lipids in small LDL percentage (EFO:0022337)
GWAS679689_H GCST90269620 Concentration of IDL particles (UKB data field 23523) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 1E-10 10 rs10822145 0.0302463 intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
None Available GCST90269621 Total lipids in IDL (UKB data field 23524) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 1E-10 10 rs10822145 0.0297457 total lipids in IDL (EFO:0022161)
GWAS688037_H GCST90269632 Free cholesterol in large LDL (UKB data field 23535) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 5E-10 9.302 rs10822145 0.0290843 free cholesterol in large LDL measurement (EFO:0022176)
GWAS705230_H GCST90277236 Red meat related metabolomic signature 87,678 European ancestry individuals, 4,568 individuals T NR 1E-16 16 rs10822145 0.03486 metabolite measurement (EFO:0004725)
diet measurement (EFO:0008111)
GWAS727293_H GCST90269700 Triglycerides to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23603) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 5E-20 19.302 rs10822145 0.04222 triglycerides to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (EFO:0022338)
GWAS727556_H GCST90269696 Phospholipids to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23599) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 1E-18 18 rs10822145 0.0402465 phospholipids:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020946)
GWAS727706_H GCST90269698 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23601) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 2E-16 15.699 rs10822145 0.0385422 cholesteryl esters to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (EFO:0022256)
GWAS729908_H GCST90269697 Cholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23600) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 1E-19 19 rs10822145 0.0421061 cholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (EFO:0022242)
GWAS731016_H GCST90269699 Free cholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23602) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 2E-19 18.699 rs10822145 0.0410211 free cholesterol to total lipids in small VLDL percentage (EFO:0022287)
GWAS732388_H GCST90269708 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids in IDL percentage (UKB data field 23611) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 1E-25 25 rs10822145 0.0483153 cholesteryl esters to total lipids in IDL percentage (EFO:0022247)
GWAS735814_H GCST90269695 Triglycerides to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23598) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 3E-18 17.523 rs10822145 0.0392838 triglycerides to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage (EFO:0022335)
GWAS739268_H GCST90269693 Cholesteryl esters to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23596) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 4E-18 17.398 rs10822145 0.0389016 cholesteryl esters to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage (EFO:0022253)
GWAS739331_H GCST90269707 Cholesterol to total lipids in IDL percentage (UKB data field 23610) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 5E-27 26.302 rs10822145 0.0497877 cholesterol to total lipids in IDL percentage (EFO:0022233)
GWAS741545_H GCST90269706 Phospholipids to total lipids in IDL percentage (UKB data field 23609) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 9E-14 13.046 rs10822145 0.0353613 phospholipids:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020946)
GWAS741898_H GCST90269715 Triglycerides to total lipids in large LDL percentage (UKB data field 23618) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 3E-13 12.523 rs10822145 0.0336903 triglycerides to total lipids in large LDL percentage (EFO:0022331)
None Available GCST90269691 Phospholipids to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23594) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 1E-16 16 rs10822145 0.0378089 phospholipids:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020946)
None Available GCST90269692 Cholesterol to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage (UKB data field 23595) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 4E-18 17.398 rs10822145 0.0389713 cholesterol to total lipids in medium VLDL percentage (EFO:0022239)
None Available GCST007142 Triglycerides 76,627 European ancestry individuals, 7,795 Hispanic individuals, 6,855 East Asian ancestry individuals, 2,958 African American individuals, 439 South Asian ancestry individuals C 0.538 1E-18 18 rs10822145 0.037 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
GWAS747892_H GCST007142 Triglycerides 76,627 European ancestry individuals, 7,795 Hispanic individuals, 6,855 East Asian ancestry individuals, 2,958 African American individuals, 439 South Asian ancestry individuals C NR 1E-20 20 rs10822145 0.036 triglyceride measurement (EFO:0004530)
GWAS748150_H GCST90269720 Triglycerides to total lipids in medium LDL percentage (UKB data field 23623) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 6E-14 13.222 rs10822145 0.0349924 triglycerides to total lipids in medium LDL percentage (EFO:0022334)
GWAS748382_H GCST90269710 Triglycerides to total lipids in IDL percentage (UKB data field 23613) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 6E-23 22.222 rs10822145 0.0452315 triglycerides to total lipids in IDL percentage (EFO:0022329)
GWAS764955_H GCST90002396 Mean reticulocyte volume 408,112 British individuals T 0.475242 6E-11 10.222 rs10822145 0.0149674155 mean reticulocyte volume (EFO:0010701)
GWAS765410_H GCST90002397 Mean spheric corpuscular volume 408,112 British individuals T 0.47519 1E-11 11 rs10822145 0.015380355 mean corpuscular volume (EFO:0004526)
GWAS765448_H GCST90269624 Cholesteryl esters in IDL (UKB data field 23527) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 1E-14 14 rs10822145 0.0353636 cholesteryl ester measurement (EFO:0010351)
GWAS766757_H GCST90269625 Free cholesterol in IDL (UKB data field 23528) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 1E-12 12 rs10822145 0.0327995 free cholesterol in IDL measurement (EFO:0022181)
GWAS768162_H GCST90269623 Cholesterol in IDL (UKB data field 23526) 88,329 European ancestry individuals T 0.477883 3E-14 13.523 rs10822145 0.0349066 cholesterol in IDL measurement (EFO:0021899)
GWAS774758_H GCST90301650 Body mass index 441,761 European ancestry individuals C NR 5E-11 10.302 rs10822145 0.0123231 body mass index (EFO:0004340)
None Available GCST90092860 Free cholesterol levels in large LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 1E-11 11 rs10822145 0.0276246 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS838431_H GCST90092885 Free cholesterol levels in LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 6E-9 8.222 rs10822145 0.0238623 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS885574_H GCST90092838 Concentration of IDL particles 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 1E-13 13 rs10822145 0.0303068 intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
GWAS886444_H GCST90092839 Phospholipid levels in IDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 7E-10 9.155 rs10822145 0.0246167 phospholipid measurement (EFO:0004639)
intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
GWAS887621_H GCST90092837 Total lipid levels in IDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 5E-13 12.302 rs10822145 0.0289371 lipid measurement (EFO:0004529)
intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
GWAS891935_H GCST90092835 Free cholesterol levels in IDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 8E-16 15.097 rs10822145 0.0322187 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
GWAS898032_H GCST90092833 Cholesteryl ester levels in IDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 6E-18 17.222 rs10822145 0.0344712 cholesteryl ester measurement (EFO:0010351)
intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
GWAS914886_H GCST90092831 Cholesterol levels in IDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 1E-17 17 rs10822145 0.0340922 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
GWAS963819_H GCST90092973 Free cholesterol to total lipids ratio in small VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 8E-28 27.097 rs10822145 0.0429728 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
free cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020945)
None Available GCST90092957 Cholesterol to total lipids ratio in small LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 3E-13 12.523 rs10822145 0.030324 cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020943)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS967841_H GCST90092979 Triglycerides to total lipids ratio in small VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 4E-29 28.398 rs10822145 0.0446623 triglycerides:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020947)
very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
GWAS969499_H GCST90092977 Phospholipids to total lipids ratio in small VLDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals C 0.523143 1E-26 26 rs10822145 0.0420933 very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008317)
phospholipids:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020946)
GWAS969906_H GCST90092982 Sphingomyelin levels 115,006 European ancestry individuals C 0.523162 1E-8 8 rs10822145 0.0221068 sphingomyelin measurement (EFO:0010118)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST90092837 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference