GWAS887062_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS887062_H (phospholipids:total lipids ratio, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS887062 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS887062_H
Name: phospholipids:total lipids ratio, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS887062 (human)
RGD ID: 407238086
Trait: phospholipids:total lipids ratio, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement
Measurement Type: blood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level   (CMO:0001562)    
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 6.0E-9
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh38177,167,543 - 7,167,544RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh37177,070,862 - 7,070,863RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Data Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS887062_HHumanblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level  IAGPrs116403919405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:35213538

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS887062_HHumanintermediate density lipoprotein measurement  IAGPrs116403919405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:35213538
GWAS887062_HHumanphospholipids:total lipids ratio  IAGPrs116403919405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:35213538
Experimental Data Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Position Markers

Peak: (rs116403919)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh38177,167,543 - 7,167,544RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
407287430GWAS936406_Hcholesteryl ester measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS936406 (human)3e-11blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)1771675437167544Human
407238086GWAS887062_Hphospholipids:total lipids ratio, intermediate density lipoprotein measurement QTL GWAS887062 (human)6e-09phospholipids:total lipids ratio, intermediate density lipoprotein measurementblood intermediate density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0001562)1771675437167544Human
407186432GWAS835408_Htotal cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS835408 (human)2e-09total cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)1771675437167544Human
407154947GWAS803923_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS803923 (human)3e-10blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)1771675437167544Human
407290369GWAS939345_Hphospholipid measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS939345 (human)4e-10cholesterol:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)1771675437167544Human
407310030GWAS959006_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS959006 (human)6e-10low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)1771675437167544Human
407259276GWAS908252_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, lipid measurement QTL GWAS908252 (human)2e-12low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, lipid measurementblood lipid measurement (CMO:0000050)1771675437167544Human
407316684GWAS965660_Htotal cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS965660 (human)1e-10total cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)1771675437167544Human
407346506GWAS995482_Hphospholipid measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS995482 (human)3e-09phospholipid measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)1771675437167544Human
407344714GWAS993690_Hphospholipids:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS993690 (human)2e-14phospholipids:total lipids ratio, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)1771675437167544Human
407260811GWAS909787_Htotal cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS909787 (human)9e-12total cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)1771675437167544Human
407288713GWAS937689_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipid measurement QTL GWAS937689 (human)4e-14low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipid measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)1771675437167544Human
407216784GWAS865760_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipid measurement QTL GWAS865760 (human)1e-11tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 8 measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)1771675437167544Human
407292753GWAS941729_Hcholesteryl ester measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS941729 (human)3e-15blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)1771675437167544Human
407296798GWAS945774_Hfree cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS945774 (human)5e-12free cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)1771675437167544Human
407292637GWAS941613_Hhigh density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS941613 (human)4e-16high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)1771675437167544Human
407319015GWAS967991_Htotal cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS967991 (human)6e-15total cholesterol measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)1771675437167544Human
407290912GWAS939888_Hlipid measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS939888 (human)1e-12lipid measurement, high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurementblood high density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000052)1771675437167544Human
407193452GWAS842428_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, lipid measurement QTL GWAS842428 (human)7e-10low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, lipid measurementblood lipid measurement (CMO:0000050)1771675437167544Human
407265898GWAS914874_Hhigh density lipoprotein particle size measurement QTL GWAS914874 (human)5e-10blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood low density lipoprotein cholesterol level (CMO:0000053)1771675437167544Human
407188840GWAS837816_Hcholesteryl ester measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS837816 (human)1e-09blood lipid amount (VT:0003949)blood cholesterol level (CMO:0002280)1771675437167544Human
407248241GWAS897217_Hbody fat percentage QTL GWAS897217 (human)9e-10body fat percentagebody fat percentage (CMO:0000302)1771675437167544Human
407188413GWAS837389_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, phospholipid measurement QTL GWAS837389 (human)2e-10low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, lipid measurementblood lipid measurement (CMO:0000050)1771675437167544Human
407187837GWAS836813_Hfree cholesterol measurement, low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement QTL GWAS836813 (human)2e-08total cholesterol measurementblood total cholesterol level (CMO:0000051)1771675437167544Human
407213241GWAS862217_Hlow density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, lipid measurement QTL GWAS862217 (human)8e-11low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement, lipid measurementblood lipid measurement (CMO:0000050)1771675437167544Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS803923_H GCST90244006 LDL cholesterol levels 288,127 East Asian ancestry individuals A 0.4377 3E-10 9.523 rs116403919 0.0278 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS835408_H GCST90092856 Cholesterol levels in large LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 2E-9 8.699 rs116403919 0.0289362 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS836813_H GCST90092860 Free cholesterol levels in large LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 2E-8 7.699 rs116403919 0.0269312 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
None Available GCST90092884 Cholesteryl ester levels in LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 3E-10 9.523 rs116403919 0.0309054 cholesteryl ester measurement (EFO:0010351)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS837389_H GCST90092864 Phospholipid levels in large LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 2E-10 9.699 rs116403919 0.0309197 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
phospholipid measurement (EFO:0004639)
GWAS837816_H GCST90092858 Cholesteryl ester levels in large LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 1E-9 9 rs116403919 0.0294246 cholesteryl ester measurement (EFO:0010351)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
None Available GCST90092885 Free cholesterol levels in LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 1E-9 9 rs116403919 0.0294593 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS842428_H GCST90092862 Total lipid levels in large LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 7E-10 9.155 rs116403919 0.0298655 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
lipid measurement (EFO:0004529)
GWAS862217_H GCST90092886 Total lipid levels in LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 8E-11 10.097 rs116403919 0.0317166 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
lipid measurement (EFO:0004529)
GWAS865760_H GCST90092888 Phospholipid levels in LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 1E-11 11 rs116403919 0.0331631 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
phospholipid measurement (EFO:0004639)
GWAS887062_H GCST90092840 Phospholipids to total lipids ratio in IDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 6E-9 8.222 rs116403919 0.0285668 phospholipids:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020946)
intermediate density lipoprotein measurement (EFO:0008595)
GWAS897217_H GCST90432180 Body fat percentage (adjusted for testosterone and SHBG) 154,337 British ancestry females ? NR 9E-10 9.046 rs116403919 0.15 body fat percentage (EFO:0007800)
None Available GCST90092930 Total cholesterol minus HDL-C levels 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 2E-8 7.699 rs116403919 0.0273667 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
GWAS908252_H GCST90092910 Total lipid levels in medium LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 2E-12 11.699 rs116403919 0.0346184 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
lipid measurement (EFO:0004529)
GWAS909787_H GCST90092904 Cholesterol levels in medium LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 9E-12 11.046 rs116403919 0.03351 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS914874_H GCST90092828 Average diameter for HDL particles 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 5E-10 9.302 rs116403919 0.0269212 high density lipoprotein particle size measurement (EFO:0008592)
GWAS936406_H GCST90092906 Cholesteryl ester levels in medium LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 3E-11 10.523 rs116403919 0.032558 cholesteryl ester measurement (EFO:0010351)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS937689_H GCST90092912 Phospholipid levels in medium LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 4E-14 13.398 rs116403919 0.0371681 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
phospholipid measurement (EFO:0004639)
GWAS939345_H GCST90092952 Phospholipid levels in small HDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 4E-10 9.398 rs116403919 0.0302809 phospholipid measurement (EFO:0004639)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS939888_H GCST90092950 Total lipid levels in small HDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 1E-12 12 rs116403919 0.0347865 lipid measurement (EFO:0004529)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS941613_H GCST90092951 Concentration of small HDL particles 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 4E-16 15.398 rs116403919 0.039871 high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS941729_H GCST90092946 Cholesteryl ester levels in small HDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 3E-15 14.523 rs116403919 0.0388641 cholesteryl ester measurement (EFO:0010351)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS945774_H GCST90092908 Free cholesterol levels in medium LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 5E-12 11.302 rs116403919 0.0338318 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
None Available GCST90092883 LDL cholesterol levels 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 3E-10 9.523 rs116403919 0.0308074 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS959006_H GCST90092814 Clinical LDL cholesterol levels 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 6E-10 9.222 rs116403919 0.0301901 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
None Available GCST90092960 Free cholesterol levels in small LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 2E-10 9.699 rs116403919 0.0311461 free cholesterol measurement (EFO:0008591)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS965660_H GCST90092956 Cholesterol levels in small LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 1E-10 10 rs116403919 0.0314815 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
None Available GCST90092964 Phospholipid levels in small LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 1E-9 9 rs116403919 0.0297196 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
phospholipid measurement (EFO:0004639)
None Available GCST90092958 Cholesteryl ester levels in small LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 5E-10 9.302 rs116403919 0.0304989 cholesteryl ester measurement (EFO:0010351)
low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
GWAS967991_H GCST90092944 Cholesterol levels in small HDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 6E-15 14.222 rs116403919 0.038196 total cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004574)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
None Available GCST90161776 Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 8 levels 2,935 Qatari ancestry individuals A 0.119015 1E-11 11 rs116403919 0.273221 tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 8 measurement (EFO:0010592)
None Available GCST90092962 Total lipid levels in small LDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 2E-10 9.699 rs116403919 0.0312511 low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004611)
lipid measurement (EFO:0004529)
None Available GCST90093005 Cholesterol to total lipids ratio in very large HDL 115,056 European ancestry individuals G 0.686789 4E-10 9.398 rs116403919 0.0291224 cholesterol:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020943)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS993690_H GCST90093013 Phospholipids to total lipids ratio in very large HDL 115,056 European ancestry individuals G 0.686789 2E-14 13.699 rs116403919 0.0345342 phospholipids:total lipids ratio (EFO:0020946)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
GWAS995482_H GCST90093012 Phospholipid levels in very large HDL 115,082 European ancestry individuals G 0.686776 3E-9 8.523 rs116403919 0.0260808 phospholipid measurement (EFO:0004639)
high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement (EFO:0004612)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST90092840 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference