GWAS645592_H QTL Report (Homo sapiens) - Rat Genome Database

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QTL: GWAS645592_H (body height QTL GWAS645592 (human)) Homo sapiens

Symbol: GWAS645592_H
Name: body height QTL GWAS645592 (human)
RGD ID: 406996616
Trait: body height   (VT:0001253)    
Measurement Type: body height   (CMO:0000106)    
body mass index (BMI)   (CMO:0000105)    
LOD Score: Not Available
P Value: 4.0E-9
Variance: Not Available
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceJBrowse
GRCh381950,629,489 - 50,629,490RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh38
GRCh371951,132,746 - 51,132,747RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINEGRCh37
Population Stats: Not Available
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Experimental Data Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS645592_HHumanbody height  IAGPrs61746970405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:32376654
GWAS645592_HHumanbody mass index (BMI)  IAGPrs61746970405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:36376304

Vertebrate Trait
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS645592_HHumanbody height  IAGPrs61746970405850206Based on the EFO term IDGWAS_CATALOGPMID:32376654

Experimental Factor Annotations    Click to see Annotation Detail View
Object SymbolSpeciesTermQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceNotesSourceOriginal Reference(s)
GWAS645592_HHumanbody height  IAGPrs61746970405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:32376654
GWAS645592_HHumanbody mass index  IAGPrs61746970405850206 GWAS_CATALOGPMID:36376304
Experimental Data Annotations     Click to see Annotation Detail View

Clinical Measurement

Vertebrate Trait
body height  (IAGP)


References - curated
# Reference Title Reference Citation
1. RGD GWAS Catalog Import Pipeline RGD pipeline to import data from GWAS Catalog and create human variant and QTL records


Genes in Region
The following Genes overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Analysis Tools
RGD IDSymbolNameChrStartStopSpecies
736653SYT3synaptotagmin 3195062197750658105Human

Position Markers

Peak: (rs61746970)
Human AssemblyChrPosition (strand)Source
GRCh381950,629,489 - 50,629,490RGD_MAPPER_PIPELINE

QTLs in Region (GRCh38)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
406931825GWAS580801_Hbody mass index QTL GWAS580801 (human)9e-10body mass indexbody mass index (BMI) (CMO:0000105)195062948950629490Human
1559110SCL22_HSerum cholesterol level QTL 22 (human)3.590.000241Lipid levelLDL cholesterol193190759457907594Human
407093428GWAS742404_Hbody mass index QTL GWAS742404 (human)1e-09body mass indexbody mass index (BMI) (CMO:0000105)195062948950629490Human
406996616GWAS645592_Hbody height QTL GWAS645592 (human)4e-09body height (VT:0001253)body mass index (BMI) (CMO:0000105)195062948950629490Human
407062008GWAS710984_Hbody mass index QTL GWAS710984 (human)8e-10body mass indexbody mass index (BMI) (CMO:0000105)195062948950629490Human
1331657COPD9_HChronic obstructive pulmonary disease QTL 9 (human)1.94Chronic airflow obstructionpost-bronchodilator FEV1193102176057021760Human
406906813GWAS555789_Hsmoking initiation QTL GWAS555789 (human)4e-24smoking initiation195062948950629490Human
407096414GWAS745390_Hbody mass index QTL GWAS745390 (human)2e-10body mass indexbody mass index (BMI) (CMO:0000105)195062948950629490Human

Additional Information

GWAS QTLs Related by Peak Marker
Data has come from the GWAS Catalog   
The highlighted row represents the current QTL
QTL GWAS Catalog Study Disease Trait Study Size Risk Allele Risk Allele Frequency P Value P Value MLOG Peak Marker Reported Odds Ratio or Beta-coefficient Ontology Accession PubMed
GWAS555789_H GCST90243968 Smoking initiation 2,669,029 European ancestry individuals A 0.0378 4E-24 23.398 rs61746970 0.023 smoking initiation (EFO:0005670)
GWAS580801_H GCST007039 Body mass index approximately 458,000 European ancestry individuals ? NR 9E-10 9.046 rs61746970 N/A body mass index (EFO:0004340)
GWAS645592_H GCST010988 Adult body size 453,169 European ancestry individuals G 0.960851 4E-9 8.398 rs61746970 0.0213186 body height (EFO:0004339)
None Available GCST90255621 Body mass index 1,122,049 European ancestry individuals G NR 9E-10 9.046 rs61746970 0.0276 body mass index (EFO:0004340)
GWAS710984_H GCST009871 Body mass index 457,822 European ancestry individuals ? NR 8E-10 9.097 rs61746970 N/A body mass index (EFO:0004340)
GWAS742404_H GCST009004 Body mass index 806,834 European ancestry individuals A 0.0386 1E-9 9 rs61746970 0.0308 body mass index (EFO:0004340)
GWAS745390_H GCST90301650 Body mass index 441,761 European ancestry individuals G NR 2E-10 9.699 rs61746970 0.0319096 body mass index (EFO:0004340)
None Available GCST90179150 Body mass index (MTAG) 694,649 European ancestry individuals A NR 4E-9 8.398 rs61746970 0.031511 body mass index (EFO:0004340)
None Available GCST90435413 Body mass index 403,610 European ancestry individuals ? NR 2E-9 8.699 rs61746970 0.0322955 body mass index (EFO:0004340)
Database Acc Id Source(s)
GWAS Catalog GCST010988 GWAS Catalog
  GCST90179150 GWAS Catalog

RGD Curation Notes
Note Type Note Reference