LOC131373416 (STARR-seq mESC enhancer starr_19254) - Rat Genome Database

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Gene: LOC131373416 (STARR-seq mESC enhancer starr_19254) Mus musculus
Symbol: LOC131373416
Name: STARR-seq mESC enhancer starr_19254
RGD ID: 401705367
Description: This genomic region represents an enhancer that was validated by the STARR-seq (self-transcribing active regulatory region sequencing) reporter assay in ground-state (2iL) and metastable (SL) mouse embryonic stem cells, where it was defined as a C1 class enhancer that overlaps an active chromatin signature. This locus also includes a B cell regulatory element that was identified by FAIRE-seq (formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements sequencing), and which was validated as an enhancer by STARR-seq in lipopolysaccharide-activated mouse splenic B cells. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2023]
Type: biological-region
RefSeq Status: REVIEWED
Latest Assembly: GRCm39 - Mouse Genome Assembly GRCm39
Mouse AssemblyChrPosition (strand)SourceGenome Browsers
GRCm39778,496,147 - 78,498,488 (+)NCBIGRCm39GRCm39mm39
JBrowse: View Region in Genome Browser (JBrowse)

Additional References at PubMed
PMID:31873292   PMID:31873293   PMID:32912294  



Variants in LOC131373416
162 total Variants

QTLs in Region (GRCm39)
The following QTLs overlap with this region.    Full Report CSV TAB Printer Gviewer
RGD IDSymbolNameLODP ValueTraitSub TraitChrStartStopSpecies
25314307Mlh1fc2_mMLH1 foci count 2 (mouse)76502999133501729Mouse
27226781Tibl3_mtibia length 3, 5 week (mouse)774849748122199223Mouse
25314305Vmm6_mvariable multisystem mineralization 6, eye (mouse)761849748102749207Mouse
27226778Femd11_mfemur midshaft diameter 11, 16 week (mouse)756949748134001729Mouse
26884381Bzwq2_mbi-zygomatic width QTL 2, 5 week (mouse)76524974896949207Mouse
1301784Ses2_msalmonella enteritidis susceptibility 2 (mouse)Not determined767290094101290240Mouse
1301663Skull9_mskull morphology 9 (mouse)Not determined75732612191326352Mouse
14746989Manh62_mmandible shape 62 (mouse)775742528109742528Mouse
10043926Bw1n_mbody weight 1 in NSY (mouse)Not determined745161966118693530Mouse
1301383Aem2_manti-erythrocyte autoantibody modifier 2 (mouse)Not determined76413542498135653Mouse
1301514Rigs1_mradiation induced gastroschisis 1 (mouse)Not determined73628001592394346Mouse
27095937Ulnl7_mulna length 7, 10 week (mouse)76644974898349207Mouse
11565101Tsve1_mvariable short tail (Tsv) enhancer 1 (mouse)75588950887142720Mouse
1300620Pgia21_mproteoglycan induced arthritis 21 (mouse)Not determined767290094101290240Mouse
13208555Lgth10_mbody length 10 (mouse)751649748125599172Mouse
26884408Bzwq13_mbi-zygomatic width QTL 13, 16 week (mouse)761749748121399223Mouse
1300791Abbp3_mA/J and C57BL/6 blood pressure 3 (mouse)Not determined739673887103510010Mouse
10054064Bwq11_mbody weight QTL 11 (mouse)Not determined75112495485125093Mouse
1357752Tabw_mtally ho asscoiated body weight (mouse)Not determined74919327883193390Mouse
10053685Eae43_mexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis susceptibility 43 (mouse)Not determined75112495485125093Mouse
1301566Adip3_madiposity 3 (mouse)Not determined775394215109394346Mouse
26884404Huml1_mhumerus length 1, 5 week (mouse)730199425108999207Mouse
1301155Bpq7_mblood pressure QTL 7 (mouse)Not determined770143137104143379Mouse
1301158Eae4_msusceptibility to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis 4 (mouse)Not determined719147398141919804Mouse
10412199Sst2_msusceptibility to tuberculosis 2 (mouse)Not determined718728794119485380Mouse
4142212Png1_mPostnatal growth 1 (mouse)Not determined7432612192394346Mouse
1300654Bomd1_mbone mineral density 1 (mouse)Not determined768365595102365702Mouse
26884440Sklq4_mskull length QTL 4, 5 week (mouse)765249748126499172Mouse
27226715Metcl3_mmetatarsal-calcaneal length 3, 5 week (mouse)767849748119499223Mouse
26884444Sklq8_mskull length QTL 8, 10 week (mouse)767849748124199223Mouse
25823170Hrsq7_mhost response to SARS QTL 7, log titer (mouse)754819589116822815Mouse
1301082Bbaa16_mB.burgdorferi-associated arthritis 16 (mouse)Not determined736280015116416877Mouse
1301465Egrm3_mearly growth rate (mouse)Not determined75732612191326352Mouse
1300952Hcs1_mhepatocarcinogenesis susceptibility 1 (mouse)Not determined75732612191326352Mouse
4142319Powg_mpost-ovarectomy weight gain (mouse)Not determined7285710592582163Mouse
12792978Fbmd3_mfemoral bone mineral density 3, females only (mouse)77050288142367832Mouse
1301826Pgia3_mproteoglycan induced arthritis 3 (mouse)Not determined767290094101290240Mouse
4141805Sle19_msystematic lupus erythematosus susceptibility 19 (mouse)Not determined3003248581135653Mouse
26884418Bzwq7_mbi-zygomatic width QTL 7, 10 week (mouse)767849748105449207Mouse
10043973Obq29_mobesity QTL 29 (mouse)Not determined772263372106263372Mouse
27226751Femd5_mfemur midshaft diameter 5, 10 week (mouse)753249748143153737Mouse
27095933Ulnl3_mulna length 3, 5 week (mouse)773149748143153737Mouse
1300722Sle3_msystemic lupus erythmatosus susceptibility 3 (mouse)Not determined7351172887142720Mouse
12880417V125Dq5_mvitamin D active form serum level QTL 5 (mouse)74524974879249748Mouse
12880418V125Dq6_mvitamin D active form serum level QTL 6 (mouse)75214974886149748Mouse
27226745Metcl9_mmetatarsal-calcaneal length 9, 10 week (mouse)774849748122199223Mouse
11532741Tbrs5_mtuberculosis resistance 5 (mouse)74915922783235415Mouse
1302141Fcsa6_mfemoral cross-sectional area 6 (mouse)Not determined74838446182384607Mouse
27095916Scvln15_msacral vertebrae length 2, 16 week (mouse)761749748123699223Mouse
12801463Rta1_mretinal aging 1 (mouse)76716802789089989Mouse
13513914Heal52_mwound healing/ regeneration 52 (mouse)77355037278591455Mouse
11553865Stmm1c_mskin tumor modifier of MSM 1c (mouse)76578898699788986Mouse
26884451Sklq14_mskull length QTL 14, 16 week (mouse)767849748124999172Mouse
11553866Stmm1d_mskin tumor modifier of MSM 1d (mouse)76578898699788986Mouse
27095910Pglq13_mpelvic girdle length QTL 13, 16 week (mouse)773049748125699172Mouse
25314303Vmm4_mvariable multisystem mineralization 4, kidney (mouse)73729942587049208Mouse
11553869Stmm2b_mskin tumor modifier of MSM 2a (mouse)773725965107725965Mouse
27095907Scvln4_msacral vertebrae length 2, 5 week (mouse)769949748120499223Mouse


RNA-SEQ Expression


Nucleotide Sequences
RefSeq Transcripts NG_213709 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles
GenBank Nucleotide AC138376 (Get FASTA)   NCBI Sequence Viewer   Search GEO for Microarray Profiles

Additional Information

Database Acc Id Source(s)
PhenoGen LOC131373416 PhenoGen