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RGD ID: 731961
Species: Homo sapiens
RGD Object: Gene
Symbol: OPRD1
Name: opioid receptor delta 1
Acc ID: HP:0034536
Term: Ameliorated by exposure to medication
Definition: Applies to a sign or symptom that is improved or made more bearable by treatment with a medication. Terms in this subhierarchy are intended to be used for cases in which the fact that a manifestation of a disease responds to a specific treatment can be used in the differential diagnosis.
Note: Use of the qualifier "multiple interactions" designates that the annotated interaction is comprised of a complex set of reactions and/or regulatory events, possibly involving additional chemicals and/or gene products.
Object SymbolQualifierEvidenceWithReferenceSourceNotesOriginal Reference(s)
OPRD1 IAGP 401977581RGDassociated with opiate dependence, methadone;DNA:SNP:cds (rs204076) (human) 
OPRD1 IAGP 402463937RGDassociated with cocaine dependence; methadone (ChEBI:6807), disulfiram (ChEBI:4659) (human) 
OPRD1treatmentIAGP 401976557RGDassociated with methadone treatment;DNA:SNP:intron (rs529520) (human) 
OPRD1treatmentIAGP 402463962RGDassociated with females, buprenorphine;DNA:SNP:intron (rs581111|rs529520) (human) 
OPRD1treatmentIAGP 402463973RGDassociated with African American;DNA:SNP:intron (rs678849) (human) 
OPRD1treatmentIAGP 402528370RGDassociated with alcohol dependence, naltrexone;DNA:SNP:3'UTR (rs4654327) (human) 
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