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1 Annotations Found.

An association has been curated linking TERT and dyskeratosis congenita in Sus scrofa.        

  • The association was inferred from sequence orthology (ISO)
  • The annotation was made from RGD automated import pipeline for ClinVar variants, variant-to-disease annotations and gene-to-disease annotations
  • The annotation has been inferred from sequence orthology with TERT (Homo sapiens) [(IAGP) inferred by association of genotype and phenotype]
  • 320 RGD objects have been annotated to dyskeratosis congenita  (DOID:2729)
  • 0 papers in RGD have been used to annotate TERT
  • Curation Notes: ClinVar Annotator: match by term: Dyskeratosis congenita
  • Original References(s): PMID:15814878 PMID:15885610 PMID:16199547 PMID:16247010 PMID:16627250 PMID:17460043 PMID:17576681 PMID:17785587 PMID:18042801 PMID:18460650 PMID:18635888 PMID:18753630 PMID:18931339 PMID:19147845 PMID:19561322 PMID:19674077 PMID:19760749 PMID:19796246 PMID:20301779 PMID:20502709 PMID:20966039 PMID:21258621 PMID:21520173 PMID:21520174 PMID:21602826 PMID:21635204 PMID:21931702 PMID:22364217 PMID:22476886 PMID:22512499 PMID:22853774 PMID:23538340 PMID:23716176 PMID:23901009 PMID:24033266 PMID:24983628 PMID:25108601 PMID:25365545 PMID:25562321 PMID:25741868 PMID:25785092 PMID:26024875 PMID:26136524 PMID:26158642 PMID:26580448 PMID:26859482 PMID:27159321 PMID:27354474 PMID:27418648 PMID:27540018 PMID:27848944 PMID:28099038 PMID:28102861 PMID:28104920 PMID:28154186 PMID:28492532 PMID:28873162 PMID:29146883 PMID:29483670 PMID:29625052 PMID:30115091 PMID:30203795 PMID:30523342 PMID:30603600 PMID:30791107 PMID:30995915 PMID:31119896 PMID:33718801 PMID:34019641 PMID:34890115 PMID:35083318 PMID:36622818 PMID:37665761 PMID:9536098

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