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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
blood 1-methylhistidine amount 
blood 3-methylhistidine amount 
blood 4-hydroxyproline amount 
blood arginine amount +  
blood glycine amount 
blood homocysteine amount 
blood L-alanine amount 
blood L-arginine amount 
blood L-asparagine amount 
blood L-aspartic acid amount 
blood L-citrulline amount 
blood L-cysteine amount 
blood L-glutamic acid amount 
blood L-glutamine amount 
blood L-hisitidine amount 
blood L-isoleucine amount 
blood L-leucine amount 
blood L-lysine amount 
blood L-methionine amount 
blood L-ornithine amount 
blood L-phenylalanine amount 
The proportion, quantity, or volume in whole blood, serum, or plasma of the L-enantiomer of phenylalanine, an aromatic amino acid that is alanine in which one of the methyl hydrogens is substituted by a phenyl group.
blood L-proline amount 
blood L-serine amount 
blood L-taurine amount 
blood L-threonine amount 
blood L-tryptophan amount 
blood L-tyrosine amount 
blood L-valine amount 
blood sarcosine amount 

Definition Sources: CHEBI:17295, CHEBI:28044, VTO:INRA

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