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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
cholesterol amount +     
milk fat amount +     
blood cholesterol amount +   
brain cholesterol amount 
liver cholesterol amount  
milk cholesterol amount 
The proportion, quantity, or volume in milk of these precursors to steroid hormones and bile salts; also components of plasma membranes.
milk diacylglycerol amount  
milk fatty acid amount +   
milk monoacylglycerol amount 
milk phospholipid amount 
milk polyphenol amount 
milk retinol amount 
milk total fat amount 
milk triglyceride amount 
muscle cholesterol amount 

Exact Synonyms: milk cholesterol content
Related Synonyms: milk cholesterol concentration
Xrefs: ATOL:0000712
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8, VTO:INRA

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