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{{ watchedTerm.term }} ({{watchedTerm.accId}})
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wall of eyeball
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Parent Terms
Term With Siblings
Child Terms
anatomical wall
ectoderm-derived structure
eyeball of camera-type eye
abdominal wall
abducens nerve
acinus of lacrimal gland
acinus of lactiferous gland
acinus of olfactory gland
acinus of sebaceous gland
ala of nose
alar plate midbrain
alveolar wall
ampullary nerve
ampullary organ
anal canal
anal column
anterior dentation of pectoral fin spine
anterior distal serration of pectoral fin spine
anterior ectodermal midgut
anterior lamina recurvata
anterior maxillary process
anterior nasal wall
anterior neural keel
anterior neural rod
anterior presumptive neural plate
anterior ramus of cleithrum
anterior segment of eyeball
anterior uvea
anterolateral process of frontoparietal
anteroventral process of cleithrum
apex of cochlea
aqueous drainage system
aqueous vein
areolar tubercle
arrector pili muscle of vibrissa
arthropod optic lobe
ascending process of the parasphenoid
base of cochlear canal
basilar membrane of cochlea
basilar papilla
basipterygoid process of parasphenoid
basis modioli
basivertebral vein
blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier
blood-inner ear barrier
bony labyrinth
border between sublaminar layers
brain blood vessel
brain ventricle/choroid plexus
bulb of hair follicle
calcareous tooth
calcified structure of brain
camera-type eye
canal of Schlemm
capsular process
capsule of lens
cardiac neural crest
cartilage of external acoustic meatus
cartilaginous external acoustic tube
caudal mesencephalo-cerebellar tract
central canal of spinal cord
central figure of scute
central nervous system
central nervous system cell part cluster
central retina
cephalopod optic lobe
cerebellar crest
cerebral hemisphere
cerebral subcortex
chamber of eyeball
chest wall
chitin-based cuticle
chorioretinal region
choroid plexus stroma
ciliary body
ciliary marginal zone
ciliary processes
ciliary stroma
circuit part of central nervous system
cleithrum head
climbing fiber
cochlear basement membrane
cochlear canal
cochlear duct of membranous labyrinth
cochlear labyrinth
cochlear modiolus
cochlear nerve
collagenous dermal stroma
columella nasi
common crus of semicircular duct
conjunctival papilla
conjunctival sac
corneo-scleral junction
corpora quadrigemina
cortex of hair
courtship gland
cranial neural crest
crista ampullaris
crista intermedia
crista subnasalis
crista supraorbitalis
crus commune
cultriform process
cusp of tooth
cutaneous elastic tissue
cutaneous microfibril
cuticle of hair
dartos muscle of labia majora
dentate gyrus subgranular zone
dermal condensation of feather follicle
dermal papilla
dermal pulp of feather shaft
dermal scale focus
dermal skeletal element
dermal superficial region
dermis of feather follicle
diaphragma sellae
diencephalic part of interventricular foramen
distal limb integumentary appendage
dorsal iris
dorsal part of optic cup
dorsal zone of medial entorhinal cortex
dorso-rostral cluster
dorsolateral septum
dorsum of nose
duct of apocrine sweat gland
duct of eccrine sweat gland
duct of olfactory gland
duct of sebaceous gland
ductus reuniens
dura mater lymph vessel
ectodermal part of digestive tract
Eimer's organ
elastica externa of notochord
enamel knot
endolymphatic duct
endolymphatic system
entorhinal cortex
epibranchial ganglion
epidermal egg tooth
epidermal intermediate stratum
epidermal placode
epidermal ridge of digit
epidermal scale
epidermal superficial stratum
epidermal-dermal junction
epidermis of feather follicle
epidermis suprabasal layer
epioccipital bridge
epioccipital posterior process
epiphysial cluster
external acoustic meatus
external acoustic meatus osseus part
external cellular layer
external naris
external nose
extremitas anterior
eye muscle
eye trabecular meshwork
eyeball of camera-type eye
eyelid blood vessel
eyelid gland
falx cerebelli
falx cerebri
fasciola cinerea
fasciolar gyrus
feather barb
feather barbicel
feather barbule
feather bud, dermal component
feather calamus
feather shaft
feather vane
filum terminale
filum terminale externum
filum terminale internum
fin fold pectoral fin bud
fin hook
flexural organ
floor plate
floor plate of neural tube
foramen cecum of frontal bone
forebrain midbrain boundary neural keel
forebrain midbrain boundary neural plate
forebrain midbrain boundary neural rod
forebrain midbrain boundary neural tube
forebrain neural keel
forebrain neural rod
forebrain neural tube
forebrain-midbrain boundary
foregut duodenum mesentery
fourth ventricle aperture
fovea centralis
foveola of retina
frontal nerve (branch of ophthalmic)
future hindbrain meninx
ganglion of central nervous system
gelatinous layer of statoconial membrane
gigantocellular part of magnocellular preoptic nucleus
gland of anal canal
gland of diencephalon
gland of nasal mucosa
granular layer corpus cerebelli
granular layer valvula cerebelli
gut wall
hair canal
hair matrix
hair medulla
hair root
hair root sheath
hair root sheath matrix
hair shaft
Harderian gland
Harderian gland duct
head taste bud
Henle's fiber layer
Hensen stripe
hindbrain neural keel
hindbrain neural rod
hindbrain neural tube
hindbrain venous system
hindbrain-spinal cord boundary
hoof lamina
hyoid articular area
immature otolith
inferior branch of oculomotor nerve
inferior horn of the lateral ventricle
inferior parietal cortex
inferior rectal artery
infundibular organ
infundibulum of hair follicle
inner ear foramen
insect abdominal histoblast anlage
insect analia
insect antennal disc
insect anterior ectoderm derivative
insect arista
insect Bolwig organ
insect clypeo-labral disc
insect clypeus
insect cuticular specialization
insect dorsal ectoderm derivative
insect dorsal mesothorax
insect dorsal thoracic disc
insect eye-antennal disc
insect genital disc
insect labial disc
insect mesothoracic tergum
insect presumptive arista
insect presumptive prothoracic metatarsus
insect proboscis
insect prothoracic leg
insect prothoracic tarsal segment
insect protocerebrum
insect stomatogastric nervous system
insect ventral ectoderm derivative
insect ventral thoracic disc
internal acoustic meatus
internal cellular layer
internal ear
internal surface of frontal bone
interventricular foramen of CNS
intervertebral vein
iris stroma
isthmus of cingulate gyrus
Kimura membrane
labyrinthine artery
lacrimal apparatus
lacrimal canaliculus
lacrimal drainage system
lacrimal gland
lacrimal lake
lacrimal nerve
lacrimal papilla
lacrimal punctum
lacrimal sac
lamina inferior
lamina nariochoanalis
lamina of spiral limbus
lamina precerebralis
lamina superior
lateral eminence of fourth ventricle
lateral eminence of hypophysis
lateral entorhinal cortex
lateral floor plate
lateral line
lateral line ganglion
lateral line nerve
lateral ventricle subependymal layer
lateral wall neural rod
lateral wall of nasal cavity
lateral zone of hypothalamus
layer of dura mater
layer of hippocampal field
layer of retina
lens cortex
lens fiber
lens nucleus
lens of camera-type eye
lens vesicle
lepidotrichial segment
limbic system
limiting layer of elasmoid scale
lobe of cerebral hemisphere
lobule of mammary gland
long ciliary nerve
lunule of nail
macula lutea
macula lutea proper
mammary gland
mammary gland alveolus
mammary gland connective tissue
mammary gland luminal epithelium
mammary gland smooth muscle
mammary lobe
mammillary body
mandibular arch neural crest
margin of eyelid
margo anterior of cleithrum
margo posterior of cleithrum
margo scapularis
margo vertebralis
medial entorhinal cortex
medial floor plate
medial zone of hypothalamus
median pars intermedia
median prenasal process
medulla oblongata
membrana tympaniformis
membranous labyrinth
mesenchyme of mammary gland
mesenchyme of nasal septum
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural keel
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural rod
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural tube
midbrain neural keel
midbrain neural rod
midbrain neural tube
midbrain-hindbrain boundary
midgut duodenum mesentery
mixed ectoderm/mesoderm/endoderm-derived structure
molecular layer corpus cerebelli
molecular layer valvula cerebelli
mossy fiber
mucosa of anal canal
mucosa of lacrimal canaliculus
mucosa of nasal septum
mucosa of nasolacrimal duct
muscle layer of anal canal
nail matrix
nail plate
nasal bridge
nasal cartilage
nasal cavity mucosa
nasal muscle
nasal septum
nasal skeleton
nasal tentacle
nasociliary nerve
nasolabial region
nasolacrimal duct
neck of tooth
neural crest
neural crest-derived structure
neural tube basal plate
neural tube lateral wall
neural tube marginal layer
neuraxis flexure
neurogenic field
non-neural ectoderm
nose anterior margin
nose vertex
notochord posterior region
notochordal canal
nucleus pulposus
nuptial pad
ocular fundus
ocular surface region
oculomotor nerve
olfactory apparatus chamber
olfactory nerve
olivary body
opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus
ophthalmic nerve
optic cup
optic disc
optic vesicle
ora serrata of retina
orbital part of frontal bone
organ component layer
oronasal membrane
osseus cochlea
osseus cochlear canal
osseus labyrinth vestibule
osseus semicircular canal
osseus spiral lamina
otic capsule
otic vesicle protrusion
otolith organ
otolithic part of statoconial membrane
outer root sheath companion layer
Pacinian corpuscle
palpebral fissure
papillary layer of dermis
parafoveal part of retina
parapineal organ
parasagittal crest
parasphenoid flange
parenchyma of central nervous system
parenchyma of mammary gland
parietal organ
pars amphibiorum
pars basilaris
pars inferior of labyrinth
pars intermedia of adenohypophysis
pars plana of ciliary body
pars plicata of ciliary body
pars tuberalis of adenohypophysis
pectinate line
pectoral fin fold
pelvic wall
perichordal ring
perichordal tissue
perifoveal part of retina
perilymphatic channel
periocular mesenchyme
peripheral region of retina
periventricular zone of hypothalamus
pillar of the semicircular canal
pineal foramen
piriform aperture
pit organ
placodal ectoderm
planum terminale
planum triangulare
plica semilunaris of conjunctiva
pole of lens
pontine tegmentum
postbranchial lamina
posterior cleithral process
posterior dentation of dorsal fin spine 2
posterior dentation of pectoral fin spine
posterior lamina recurvata
posterior lateral line primordium
posterior maxillary process
posterior maxillary process dorsal process
posterior neural keel
posterior neural rod
posterior presumptive neural plate
posterior ramus of cleithrum
posterior segment of eyeball
posterior wall of the glottis
postnasal wall
postorbital process
pre-Botzinger complex
pre-chordal neural plate
primary choana
primary nerve cord
primary olfactory fiber layer
primary vitreous
primitive superior sagittal sinus
processus lingularis of nasal skeleton
processus posterior of parasphenoid
procurrent spur
prootic bone
pupillary membrane
Purkinje cell layer corpus cerebelli
Purkinje cell layer valvula cerebelli
ramules cutaneous
ramus anterior of CN VIII
ramus nasalis lateralis
ramus nasalis medialis
ramus of feather barb
ramus of feather barbule
ramus posterior of CN VIII
recessus basilaris
recessus fenestrae ovalis
regional part of brain
regional part of spinal cord
Reissner's fiber
remnant of Rathke's pouch
reticular layer of dermis
reticular membrane of spiral organ
retrochiasmatic area
rhombomere boundary
ridge of tooth
roof plate
roof plate of diencephalon
roof plate of medulla oblongata
roof plate of metencephalon
roof plate of midbrain
roof plate of telencephalon
roof plate spinal cord region
root of nail
saccule duct
saccus dorsalis
sacral neural crest
scale primordium
segmental subdivision of hindbrain
semicircular canal
semicircular canal ampulla
semicircular duct
sensory dissociation area
septal olfactory organ
septum of scrotum
septum pellucidum
septum semicircularium anterior
septum semicircularium laterale
septum semircularium posterior
serous membrane
seydels palatal process
skeletal muscle tissue of eye
skeletal support for eminentia olfactoria
skin appendage follicle
skin crease
skin gland
skin of body
smooth muscle of eye
solum nasi
spatium sacculare
spina acromioidea
spinal cord
spinal cord neural keel
spinal cord neural rod
spinal cord neural tube
spiral ligament
spiral modiolar artery
spiral organ of cochlea
spiral prominence of cochlear duct
statoconial membrane
strand of hair
stratum basale of epidermis
stratum compactum of dermis
stratum corneum of epidermis
stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale
stratum granulosum of epidermis
stratum intermedium of epidermis
stratum intermedium of tooth
stratum lucidum of epidermis
stratum marginale
stratum opticum
stratum periventriculare
stratum spinosum of epidermis
stria vascularis of cochlear duct
stylar shelf
subcupular meshwork of statoconial membrane
subdivision of conjunctiva
subdivision of spinal cord central canal
submucosa of anal canal
subolfactory process
subotic alae
substantia nigra pars compacta
substantia nigra pars reticulata
substratum of layer of retina
supcapsular region of anterior region of lens
supcapsular region of posterior region of lens
superior branch of oculomotor nerve
superior parietal cortex
supraorbital flange
supraorbital foramen
suspensory ligament of breast
suspensory ligament of lens
tapetum lucidum of camera-type eye
tectorial membrane of cochlea
tectorial restraint system
tectum nasi
tela choroidea of fourth ventricle
tela choroidea of midbrain cerebral aqueduct
tela choroidea of telencephalic ventricle
tela choroidea of third ventricle
telencephalic part of interventricular foramen
telencephalon diencephalon boundary
tentorium cerebelli
terminal part of the cochlear canal
thoracic wall
tooth crown
tooth enamel organ
tooth root
transverse nasal root vein
triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus
trunk neural crest
trunk taste bud
tunica fibrosa of eyeball
type 1 odontode
unencapsulated tactile receptor
upper eyelid protuberances
urohyal lateral process
urohyal median process
uterine wall
utricle duct
utricle valve
utriculosaccular duct
vacuolated notochordal tissue
vagal neural crest
vallecula of cerebellum
venous dural sinus
venous system of brain
ventral limb of posttemporal
ventral part of optic cup
ventricular system of brain
ventricular system of central nervous system
Verson's gland
vestibular aqueduct
vestibular fissure of the cochlear canal
vestibular labyrinth
vestibular membrane of cochlear duct
vestibular nerve
vestibulocochlear nerve
vitreous body
vomeronasal nerve
vomeronasal organ
wall of anal canal
wall of blood vessel
wall of central canal of spinal cord
wall of eyeball
wall of fallopian tube
wall of heart
wall of lacrimal duct
wall of membranous labyrinth
wall of orbit
wall of pharyngotympanic tube
wall of synovial tendon sheath
wall of ureter
wall of urethra
wall of urinary bladder
wall of vagina
wall of ventricular system of brain
zona limitans intrathalamica
zone of basilar membrane of cochlea
zone of skin
zygomatic process of frontal bone
Exact Synonyms:
eyeball wall