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Ontology Browser

Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 11m (UBERON:0028416)
Annotations: Rat: (0) Mouse: (0) Human: (0) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (0) Dog: (0) Squirrel: (0) Pig: (0) Naked Mole-rat: (0) Green Monkey: (0)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 10l 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 10m 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 10o 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 10p 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 10r 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 11l 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 11m 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 13a 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 13b 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 13l 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 13m 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 14c 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 14r 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 24 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 25 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 32 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 47l 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 47m 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 47r 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 47s 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area 9 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area AON 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area G 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area Iai 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area Ial 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area Iam 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area Iapm 
Ongur, Price, and Ferry (2003) area PrCO 

Xrefs: birnlex:4071

paths to the root