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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
artery +    
immune organ +    
viscus +    
abdominal viscera +  
accessory meningeal artery 
afferent spiracular artery 
alveolar artery +  
aortic sac +  
appendicular artery 
arcuate artery of foot 
artery of appendix 
artery of lip +  
artery of pterygoid canal 
artery smooth muscle tissue +  
artery wall +  
arthropod hepatopancreas 
ascending palatine artery 
atrioventricular nodal artery 
auricular artery +  
axillary artery 
basal communicating artery 
brachial artery 
branch of anterior cerebral artery +  
branch of basilar artery +  
branch of brachial artery 
branch of external carotid artery +  
branch of left coronary artery +  
branch of middle cerebral artery +  
branch of posterior cerebral artery +  
branch of posterior tibial artery +  
branch of ulnar artery 
branch of vertebral artery +  
buccal artery 
bursa of Fabricius +  
calcarine artery 
caroticotympanic artery 
caudal artery 
cavernous artery 
celiacomesenteric artery 
central artery +  
central retinal artery 
cerebellar artery +  
cervical artery +  
choroidal artery +  
coeliaco-mesenteric artery +  
colic artery 
communicating artery +  
communicating vessel palatocerebral artery 
costo-cervical trunk 
cremasteric artery 
cutaneus artery 
cystic artery 
deep artery of clitoris 
deep brachial artery 
deep femoral artery +  
deferent duct artery 
descending palatine artery 
digital artery +  
dorsal artery of clitoris 
dorsal branch nasal ciliary artery +  
dorsal lingual artery 
dorsal metacarpal artery 
dorsalis pedis artery 
duodeno-hepatic artery 
duodeno-pancreatic artery 
dural artery 
efferent spiracular artery 
embryo portion of umbilical artery 
endothelium of artery +  
epigastric artery +  
epigonal organ 
ethmoidal artery +  
extraembryonic portion of umbilical artery +  
femoral artery +  
gastroduodenal artery +  
gastroepiploic artery +  
greater palatine artery 
haemal node 
A lymphoid organ found in various mammals and some birds.
head kidney +  
helicine artery +  
hepatic artery +  
hepatic portal venule 
hyaloid artery +  
hyoid artery +  
hypobranchial artery 
hypophysial artery +  
ileocolic artery 
iliac circumflex artery +  
iliolumbar artery 
incisor artery 
infraorbital artery 
interlobar artery 
interrenal gland 
intersomitic artery +  
jejunal artery 
kidney arcuate artery 
labyrinthine artery 
lacrimal artery 
lateral dorsal aorta 
lateral thoracic artery 
left anterior segmental artery 
left colic artery 
left gastric artery 
left pulmonary artery +  
Leydig's organ +  
lymph node +  
lymph node artery 
lymphocyte domain +  
masseteric artery +  
maxillary artery 
medial circumflex femoral artery 
medial plantar artery 
medial tarsal artery 
median artery 
meningeal artery +  
mental artery 
mesencephalic artery 
metencephalic artery 
middle colic artery 
nasal artery 
nasal ciliary artery +  
obturator artery 
ocular angle artery 
Oka organ 
opercular artery 
ophthalmic artery +  
ophthalmotemporal branch of external ophthalmic artery 
optic artery 
ovarian artery +  
palatocerebral artery 
palpebral artery +  
pancreas +  
pancreatic artery 
pancreaticoduodenal artery +  
penicillar arteriole 
periarterial lymphatic sheath 
pericardial artery 
perineal artery 
peritoneal sac +  
placental artery +  
plantar metatarsal artery 
popliteal artery 
posterior labial artery 
posterior palatine artery 
posterior superior alveolar artery 
posterolateral artery 
presumptive mesencephalic artery +  
primitive prosencephalic artery +  
principal artery to limb +  
prosencephalic artery 
pseudobranchial artery 
pudendal artery +  
pulmonary artery +  
pulmonary trunk +  
radial artery 
rectal artery +  
renal afferent arteriole +  
renal cortex artery 
respiratory system artery +  
retroperitoneal lymph node 
right colic artery 
right pulmonary artery 
saphenous artery 
septal perforating artery 
sigmoid artery 
spiral modiolar artery 
spleen +  
spleen trabecular artery 
splenic artery 
stapedial artery 
sublingual artery 
submental artery 
subscapular artery 
superior gluteal artery 
superior thoracic artery 
suprabranchial artery 
supraintestinal artery 
supraneural body 
supraorbital artery 
suprarenal artery +  
sural artery 
swim bladder +  
swim bladder artery 
systemic artery +  
temporal artery +  
terminal branch of ophthalmic artery +  
thoracic cavity artery 
thoracic cavity element +  
thoraco-acromial artery 
thoracodorsal artery 
thymic artery +  
thymus +  
thyroid artery +  
tibial artery +  
transformed artery +  
truncus arteriosus +  
ulnar artery 
umbilical artery +  
urethral artery 
urinary bladder +  
uterine spiral artery 
ventral branch nasal ciliary artery +  
vesical artery +  
vestibular bulb artery 
vitelline artery 
zygomatico-orbital artery 

Exact Synonyms: hemal node
Xrefs: Wikipedia:Haemal_nodes
Definition Sources: Wikipedia:Haemal_nodes

paths to the root