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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
anlage +  
brain marginal zone +  
comma-shaped body +  
copula linguae 
developing mesenchymal structure +  
differentiated genital tubercle +  
embryonic autopod plate +  
embryonic structure +  
extraembryonic structure +  
feather bud +  
forelimb bud +  
future glans +  
future tongue +  
hair peg 
hindlimb bud +  
hypopharyngeal eminence 
immature eye +  
insect imaginal precursor +  
insect non-connected developing system +  
layer of developing cerebral cortex +  
limb +  
limb bud mesenchyme +  
limb paddle 
A transient developing limb structure that develops from the limb bud; it is a dorsoventral flattening of the limb bud structure and develops into the foot plate.
metanephros induced blastemal cells +  
nephric fold 
nephrogenic zone +  
notochordal process +  
pharyngeal region of foregut +  
primordium +  
pronephros +  
Rathke's pouch +  
S-shaped body +  
siphon primordium +  
somite +  
tooth bud +  
transitional anatomical structure +  
tubotympanic recess epithelium 
ulna cartilage element +  
vascular cord +  

Definition Sources: MP:0011685

paths to the root