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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
adenohypophyseal placode +  
anal canal +  
blood island +  
carapace primordium +  
carpus cartilage element +  
carpus pre-cartilage condensation +  
distal limb integumentary appendage +  
dorsal mesentery +  
ear vesicle +  
embryonic autopod plate +  
embryonic uterus +  
endolymphatic appendage +  
epithelium of mammary gland +  
eye primordium +  
future brain +  
future cardiac atrium +  
future cardiac ventricle +  
future central nervous system +  
future central tendon +  
future diaphragm +  
future diencephalon +  
future dorsal motor nucleus of vagus +  
future falx cerebri +  
future forebrain +  
future meninx +  
future metencephalon +  
future myelencephalon +  
future nervous system +  
future neurohypophysis +  
future pituitary gland +  
future spinal cord +  
future telencephalon +  
gallbladder primordium +  
hair follicle placode +  
kidney field +  
knee joint primordium +  
lens placode +  
liver primordium +  
mammary placode +  
mammary ridge +  
Meckel's cartilage pre-cartilage condensation +  
metanephric mesenchyme +  
midbrain hindbrain boundary neural plate +  
optic eminence +  
paired limb/fin bud +  
pancreas dorsal primordium +  
pancreas primordium +  
pancreas ventral primordium +  
pectoral appendage field +  
pelvic appendage field +  
pharyngeal arch artery +  
presomitic mesoderm +  
presumptive atrioventricular canal +  
presumptive blood +  
presumptive bulbus arteriosus +  
presumptive ectoderm +  
presumptive endocardium +  
presumptive endoderm +  
presumptive enteric nervous system 
presumptive floor plate +  
presumptive forebrain midbrain boundary +  
presumptive ganglion +  
presumptive gut +  
presumptive hindbrain +  
presumptive hypochord +  
presumptive median fin fold +  
presumptive mesoderm +  
presumptive midbrain +  
presumptive midbrain hindbrain boundary +  
presumptive neural retina +  
presumptive paraxial mesoderm +  
presumptive pronephric mesoderm +  
presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium +  
presumptive rhombomere 1 +  
presumptive rhombomere 2 +  
presumptive rhombomere 3 +  
presumptive rhombomere 4 +  
presumptive rhombomere 5 +  
presumptive rhombomere 6 +  
presumptive rhombomere 7 +  
presumptive rhombomere 8 +  
presumptive segmental plate +  
presumptive shield +  
presumptive sinus venosus +  
pronephric mesoderm +  
prostate field +  
rhombic lip +  
salivary gland primordium +  
sebaceous gland placode +  
skin appendage placode +  
skin of body +  
sweat gland placode +  
An sweat gland placode is a thickening of the ectoderm that will give rise to the sweat gland bud[GO].
swim bladder bud +  
tetrapod parietal bone primordium 
tooth placode +  
urogenital fold +  
 sweat gland +  

Definition Sources: GO:0060793

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