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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
alveolar sac 
bronchiole +  
bronchus +  
The upper conducting airways of the lung; these airways arise from the terminus of the trachea.
pulmonary alveolar duct +  
trachea +  
tracheobronchial epithelium +  
tracheobronchial lymph node +  

Exact Synonyms: bronchi ;   bronchial trunk
Related Synonyms: bronchial tissue
Xrefs: BTO:0001340 ;   CALOHA:TS-1229 ;   EFO:0000932 ;   EMAPA:32689 ;   EV:0100041 ;   FMA:7409 ;   GAID:346 ;   MA:0000436 ;   MAT:0000133 ;   MESH:D001980 ;   MIAA:0000133 ;   NCI:C12683 ;   SCTID:181215002 ;   UMLS:C0006255 ;   VHOG:0000262 ;   Wikipedia:Bronchus ;   XAO:0000121
relational_adjective: bronchial
External Ontologys: never_in_taxon NCBITaxon:8507 ;   present_in_taxon NCBITaxon:9606
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-397-51047-0, MESH:A04.411.125, MGI:cwg, MP:0002264

paths to the root